1.hold on to 抓住;握住;坚持 Eg:hold on to my hand,don`t loosen,or you will fall down,我来为大家科普一下关于含有hold的短语?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



1.hold on to 抓住;握住;坚持 Eg:hold on to my hand,don`t loosen,or you will fall down

2.hold it 慢着;等等

3.Hold…to.. /Hold sb to sth 坚持,遵守/要求某人做某事 Eg:Now I have to hold you to your promise.

4.hold on 用力抓住;坚持;继续;不要挂断;等一下;稍等

5.hold back 抑制,克制,阻止 Eg:if you want to be successful,you must hold back your lazy behavior.

6.hold out 抵制;伸出

7.hold up 举起;阻挡;拦截

8.hold down v 抑制;压制;保有;保住 Eg:I just wanted to hold down a job and find somebody crazy enough to marry me,like your mother.

9.hold in 克制restrain;抑制restrain;约束restrain/bind Eg:I can`t hold in my feelings any longer.

10.hold your horses 别着急take your time/take it easy;慢慢来take your time Eg:Hold your horses,we are not ready to go yet.

11.Hold v 支撑;维持 Eg:I don`t think that branch will hold your weight.

12.get a hold of yourself 管好你自己 Eg:Get a hold of yourself and you will do a great job.

13.on hold 暂停

14.holder n 持有人;所有人;支持物;储物器

15.uphold vt. 支撑;鼓励;赞成;举起

16.behold vt. 看;注视;把...视为 Eg:I behold him as my best friend

17.household adj 家庭的;家用的 Eg:household appliance

18.hold one`s head up 不要垂头丧气 Eg:They may have lost the game,but I still think they`ve earned the right to hold their heads up today.
