Chapter 8 Movie Stardom for Marvel

第八章 漫威影星

With Marvel Comics now making so much money, Mr. Goodman decided it was time to sell. A man named Martin Ackerman bought the company in 1968 with one condition: Stan Lee had to remain in charge.

由于漫威漫画赚到盘满钵满,古德曼打算出售漫威了。1968年,一个名叫马丁·阿克曼(Martin Ackerman)的人买下了这家公司,条件是:Stan必须继续掌管公司。

Stan did. By now, Stan was the face of Marvel. While the artists tended to keep to themselves, Stan’s outgoing nature made him a natural spokesman for the company. He spoke at colleges and conventions. He posed for magazines and newspapers. Stan also had developed his distinctive look. He grew an identifiable mustache and always wore sunglasses, even when he was inside!


In 1972, when Mr. Goodman officially retired as publisher, Stan got a promotion. He became the publisher of Marvel. Roy Thomas, a writer who had been working on X-Men, became Marvel’s editor. As publisher, Stan could focus on new ideas.

1972年,古德曼正式从出版人的职位上退休,Stan晋升为漫威的出版商。《X战警》作家罗伊·托马斯(Roy Thomas)成为了漫威的编辑。作为出版商,Stan可以专注于新想法。

Stan wanted the Marvel characters to branch out into television shows and movies.


Television was easy. In 1977, The Incredible Hulk made its premiere on TV. Stan was not in charge of the show, but he did have an important role. The producers of The Incredible Hulk wanted the Hulk to be red, not green. Stan said no. The Hulk had to be green. The Incredible Hulk ran for more than eighty episodes over five years!



《绿巨人浩克》 图片来源

Stan had a tougher time getting Marvel into the movies. For years, movie producers had refused to turn comic books into movies. They worried that it would be too difficult to show illustrated comic-book action using real actors.


In 1978, everything changed when the movie Superman came out. Actor Christopher Reeve played Superman. The movie earned $300 million worldwide, the sixth highest-grossing film ever at that time. Superman convinced Hollywood that superhero movies could work.



《超人》 图片来源:cargocollective

Stan began to meet with Hollywood producers, and in 1980, he and Joanie moved to Los Angeles. They bought a house in West Hollywood overlooking the Sunset Strip, a glamorous part of the city full of stores, restaurants, and rock clubs. It was so exciting! Stan and Joanie loved Hollywood. They made new friends in California. J.C. worked as a model and began painting. Her parents were thrilled to go to her first art show.



好莱坞的日落大道(Hollywood Sunset Strip) 图片来源

As much as Stan loved California, he found it wasn’t easy to get movies made. Producers argued. They sued each other. At one point writers had written eight different scripts for a movie version of Spider-Man. Nobody was satisfied.


Director James Cameron wanted to make a Spider-Man movie. But it was taking too long. He made movies like Terminator and Titanic instead. In 1989, a movie about Marvel’s character the Punisher was filmed, but never released in movie theaters. Neither was 1994’s version of the Fantastic Four.



正拍摄《终结者》的詹姆斯·卡梅隆 图片来源:bloody-disgusting

The struggles in Hollywood caught Stan by surprise. Back in New York, Marvel Comics was also having problems. Ackerman had sold Marvel in 1986, and the new owners wanted to expand. The company tried to get too big, too fast. They bought a baseball-card company and a sticker company. Both lost money.


Finally, in 1996, Marvel went bankrupt. The company was broke.


But Stan never gave up. He knew the Marvel family of characters would someday find new fans on the big screen. He also knew that Marvel needed him. Everybody knew Stan Lee! To relaunch Marvel, the new owners came up with a plan.


They created a department within Marvel that was devoted exclusively to making movies. They called it Marvel Studios. A man named Avi Arad was put in charge. Avi had grown up in Israel reading spiderman comic books translated into Hebrew. He was thrilled to have Stan giving him advice.


With Avi in charge, Marvel finally began to get films made. Blade came first, in 1998, based on a superhero who hunted vampires. The movie starred Wesley Snipes and earned $131 million around the world.


The first X-Men movie came out in 2000 and was even bigger. Critics loved it, and crowds flocked to theaters. X-Men earned $200 million. The film also featured Stan’s first appearance in a Marvel film. He played a hot-dog salesman! Two years later, Spider-Man was finally released. The movie starred Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker, Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin, and Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane Watson. It was a worldwide hit, earning $822 million!



蜘蛛侠(Spiderman) 图片来源:Amino

After twenty years in Hollywood, stan was finally seeing his dreams for Marvel come true.


Stan Lee’s Movie Roles


The distinguished gentleman with the white mustache who appears for just a minute in so many superhero movies is Stan Lee. Stan appears in what is called a “cameo” role. A cameo usually involves somebody famous playing a very tiny role. Here are a few of Stan’s most famous cameos:


Fantastic Four—Willie Lumpkin, the Mailman (a character Stan had created for the fantastic four comic books)



邮差@《神奇四侠》 图片来源:Nairaland

X-Men—Hot-Dog vendor


Hulk—Security Guard



警卫@《绿巨人》 图片来源:Giphy

Iron Man 3—Beauty Pageant Judge



选美大赛评委@《钢铁侠》 图片来源:MTV

Spider-Man 3—Man reading a news ticker. (he even gets to say one of his favorite lines, “’nuff said.”)




Thor: the dark world—patient in a mental hospital



精神病院的病人@《雷神:黑暗世界》 图片来源:Playbuzz

Stan loved Spider-Man, but Marvel’s biggest movie success was still to come.


Iron Man came out in 2008, with Robert Downey Jr. Starring as the billionaire adventurer Tony Stark. Stan thought Robert Downey Jr. Was born to play Stark! The actor was perfect for the role. Iron Man was such a smash, it led to two sequels. In 2013, Iron Man 3 earned $1.2 billion around the world, making it the fifth highest-grossing film of all time!



小罗伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)@电影《钢铁侠》 图片来源

“I think Marvel will end up being the biggest company in showbiz,” Stan said in an interview.


Chapter 9 Legacy

第九章 退而不休

Some people retire when they get older. They pick up their golf clubs or take a cruise. Not Stan.


I think if you enjoy what you do it’s like playing and you can’t stop,” he told an interviewer. “It’s so much fun.” He was eighty-nine when he said that!


Though Stan stepped down as Marvel’s publisher in the 1990s, he continues to serve as an executive producer of the many movies that feature his characters. Not that he needs the work. Creating some of the world’s most popular comic-book characters has made him very rich.


But Stan was never overly concerned with money. He loved dreaming up new ideas. As he got older, he tried new things. He even went to work for the competition! For years, DC Comics was Marvel’s biggest rival. In 2001, DC Comics asked Stan to write stories featuring the DC superheroes. Stan’s Just Imagine . . . Series included Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and other DC characters.


“As long as I can keep busy,” he wrote, “it saves me from dwelling too much on the past.”


And boy, has Stan kept busy! He’s created other companies, started his own Youtube channel, and narrated a series of video games. He also makes appearances regularly at comic conventions. In fact, whenever he’s appearing, tickets sell out within minutes! Stan is a living legend. By now, millions of people have read comic books or seen movies starring his characters. Marvel has even created a Stan Lee action figure.


Stan loves his work and he cherishes his family. He and Joan have now been married for more than sixty-five years! And J.C. has stayed close to her parents. She is often seen walking down the red carpet with her father at movie premieres.


Stan and his younger brother, Larry, continue to work together on the version of Spider-Man that is printed on the comics page in hundreds of newspapers each day.


Stan’s work is far from done. In 2010, he started hosting his own television show, Stan Lee’s Superhumans. And in an interview just after his ninetieth birthday, he got excited as he talked about future Marvel plans, mentioning movies about Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy.


Lee regrettably had to cancel a sold-out appearance at a comics convention in Denver. But it wasn’t because he was too tired or too old. It was because Hollywood needed him. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was filming, and it was time for Stan’s next cameo.


As Stan would say, “What could be more fun?”




******End 全篇完******

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