
【编者按】保罗·艾伦(Paul Allen)(1953年1月21日-2018年10月15日),美国企业家,与比尔·盖茨创立了微软公司的前身,Vulcan Inc.的创始人和主席。同时他是Charter Communications主席,梦工厂股东,还拥有NFL的西雅图海鹰队和NBA的波特兰开拓者队。2018年10月15日下午,保罗·艾伦在西雅图因非霍奇金淋巴瘤并发症去世,终年65岁。

保罗是比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)儿时的朋友,两人于1975年一同创立了微软。1983年,他由于接受霍奇金淋巴瘤的治疗而离开公司,并一直担任公司董事会成员,直到2000年。在2011年出版的回忆录中,艾伦表示,他负责了微软公司的命名,并设计了有两颗按钮的鼠标。微软CEO萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)表示,艾伦对微软和整个行业的贡献是“不可或缺的”。



在离开微软之后,艾伦通过自己的公司Vulcan成为一名投资人,收购了多家公司和平台。Vulcan目前的投资包括西雅图流行文化博物馆、一家专注于使用机器学习技术来保护气候的组织,以及开发太空飞机的Stratolaunch。艾伦还发起了多项慈善活动,一些慈善事业走上了科学道路:2003年,艾伦成立了艾伦脑科学研究所,投入5亿美元用于非营利性项目,目标是为科学家提供探索大脑工作方式所需的工具和数据。《福布斯》记者马修·赫珀尔(Matthew Herper)称其为“医学界的曼哈顿项目”




艾伦研究所总裁及CEO阿兰·琼斯(Allan Jones)表示:“保罗的远见和洞察力一直激励着我和其他许多人,无论是在以他名字命名的研究所,还是在他感兴趣的其他许多领域。人们会非常想念他。今天,我们将履行我们的使命,解决生物科学领域的难题,在我们各自的领域带来重要改变,以此纪念他的遗产,并每天为艾伦研究所的长远未来做出贡献。”




How Paul Allen Taught Me To Peel An Orange

Paul Allen? I remember that he was a difficult interview. He didn't ingratiate, and took a while to warm up.


I profiled the Microsoft cofounder, who died today from complications of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that had recurred, for Forbes six years ago, focusing on his then-new effort to create an atlas of the human brain at his Allen Institute, which was then focused entirely on stem cells.

六年前,我曾在《福布斯》杂志上评论过这位微软(Microsoft)联合创始人,他当时在艾伦研究所(Allen Institute)致力于创建人类大脑图谱的新研究,彼时,这个研究所还完全聚焦于干细胞领域。而今天(2018年10月15日),保罗却因非霍奇金淋巴瘤并发症永远地离开了这个世界。

He kept coming back to a metaphor that I didn't know what to do with at the time, that what scientists do is try to drill into an orange, making a small focused hole so they could get to the center of a problem. (In this metaphor, the orange was understanding how the brain works.) What he wanted to do, he said, was to remove the rind, so that scientists could drill into their orange more easily, and learn more, and move faster.


He really got going when he started comparing the brain to a computer. It's clearly more complicated. "The computer is a very regular structure," he told me. "It's very uniform. It's got a bunch of memory, and it's got a little element that computes bits of memory and combines them with each other and puts them back somewhere. It's a very simple thing.


"So for someone to program a computer, probably, you know, maybe in most cases, you get a degree in computer science. A human being can start programming. I did it in high school. Me and Bill Gates and our friends did that. Probably, in a few months, we were programming and probably understood what there was to understand about computing within a few years of diving into it.


"The human brain is so much more complex, and it was designed by evolution. Every little bit is very different from every other little bit. It's similar, but it's different. So it's hideously complex. And so, its going to take decades and decades of more research to understand how the brain works."


Then Allen recounted a conversation he had with Eric Kandel, the Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist. Allen had gotten excited about the huge progress he saw his institute making. "Paul, Paul, slow down. I've spent my whole lifetime studying the brain, and not in my lifetime, and probably not in your lifetime will we understand how the brain works."


What made Allen special was that he was always willing to attack the orange rind again and again, even if he never got to the center of the fruit. That's why I'm typing this on plastic and circuit-board device with a silicon brain. It's why scientists have deep data resources to help them understand how the brain is wired together, what cells are in it, and also how stem cells work. If future generations on this planet can dive in coral reefs despite our changing climate, it will be due in part to efforts he funded. He did cool things. I only wish I got to see him play guitar. Quincy Jones and Vernon Reid both say he could play.



Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen christens his Experience Music Project.


图源:Getty Images

Anyway, among the lessons he leaves behind is that we should each try to rip a little rind of an orange.







