

Stay where you are.

After you are finished with the book, put it where it was.

A driver should slow down where there are schools.

The tree of this kind grows favorably where it is wet.


——,work songs often exhibit the song culture of a people in a fundamental from. (toefl 2000)

a.They occur where they are

b. Occurring where

c. Where they occur*

d. where do they occur

I have kept that portrait _____I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in london. (96-01 cet-4)

a. which

b. where

c. whether

d. when

也可由wherever, anywhere, everywhere引导

Wherever he happens to be, clint can make himself at home.

Everywhere they appeared, there were ovations.

Wherever there is water, air and earth, there is vegetation.




You want to know why I am leaving? I am leaving because I’m fed up with the job and boss.

My friends dislike me because I’m handsome and successful.


I didn’t attend the meeting because he was present too.




I didn’t marry her because I lived her.





Since monday is bob’s birthday, let’s throw him a party.

Since everyone is here, let’s get started.

Since you are free tonight, why not drop in and play chess with me?


You are leaving tomorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight. (99-06 cet-6)

a. for

b. since

c. before

d. while


as与 since用法差不多,所引出的理由在说话人看来已经很明显,或已为听话人所熟悉而不须用because加以强调。

She didn’t hear us come in as she was asleep.

I left a message as you weren’t there.

As monday is a national holiday, all government offices will be close.

I have to speak English with them, as the guys I live with don’t know any Chinese.



The days were short, for it was now december.

It rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning.

比较:because it rained last night, the ground is wet this morning.

It must be morning, for the birds are singing.

Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes.


as, for引导的主从句,重要性相对平等;




从属连词有:so that, in order that或that等,从句中常含有情态动词。

They carved the words on the stone so that/in order that the future generation should/might remember what they had done.

We climbed high (so) that we might get a better view.

The teacher raised his voice in order that the students in the back could hear more clearly.

*联想省略后的不定式in order to do/so as to do(逻辑主语或相同)或in order for sb to do(逻辑主语不同时)。

All the key words in the article are printed in bold type so as to attract readers’ attention.

we climbed high in order to get a better view.

They carved the words on the stone in order for the future generation to remember what they had done.

The teacher raised his voice in order for the students in the back to hear more clearly.


____ measure matter we must have units of weight, volume and length. (cet-4)

a.In order

b. In order to*

c.So as

d. So as to

*so as to不可用于句首。因为so本意为“如此”,只有先说了些什么,才谈得上“如此”“怎样”。

lest, for fear(that), in case: 以免、以防,深怕……

Take an umbrella with you lest it should rain.

People evacuated the building for fear that the wall should collapse.

She cleans the window with great care lest she might break the window.

We had a meeting and talked the matter over face to face, for fear that there should be any misunderstanding.


so…that, such…that, so (that), such that

A “John hancock” is a person’s signature. john hancock was the first person to sign the American “declaration of independence”.

He signed it so large and bold that now we use his name to refer to anyone’s signature.

Diplomats and crabs are creatures who move in such a way that it is impossible to tell whether they are coming or going.

such that相当于so 形容词

His anger was such that he lost control of himself.

He anger was so explosive that he lost control of himself.

The weather is such that we can only stay in air-conditioned places.

The weather is so hot that we can only stay in air-conditioned places.


The performance was such ____ the audience was deeply moved. (cet-4)

a. as

b. that*

c. so

d. so that

*省略式为so/such…as to, such as to

He was such a fool as to believe him.

He was so foolish as to believe him.

Her voice was such as to make everyone stare.

So bad as to make everyone stare.

So loud as to make everyone stare.


His story is _____ to arouse our sympathy.

a. such as*

b. so sad

c. too sad

d. so sad as

The windows are ____ small as not to admit much light at all. (cet-4)

a. very

b. as

c. too

d. so*

Would you be _____ do me a favor, please? (cet-4)

a. so kind to

b. kind as to

c. as kind to

d. so kind as to*

so, such的区别


such a(an) 形容词 单数可数名词

so 形容词 a(an) 单数可数名词

so beautiful a flower

such a beautiful flower

so nice a day

such a nice day


such beautiful flowers, such nice days

*so beautiful flowers

such nice weather, such great patience

so great patience


so many flowers, so much patience, so much fun, so few cars, so little care


Although apples do not grow during the cold seasons, apple trees must have a such season in order to flourish. (toefl) 虽然苹果在寒冷季节不生长,但苹果树必须有这样的季节才能繁茂。

Recently in the automobile industry, multinational companies have developed to the point where such few cars can be described as having been made entirely in one country. (toefl) 最近,在汽车工业中,跨国公司已经发展到这样的程度,很少有汽车可以被描述为完全在一个国家制造。


The police called off their research for the survivors of the air crash because of ___.

a. such bad weather*

b. so bad

c. such a bad weather

d. too bad a weather

such直接与名词相连, so直接与形容词相连。

such patience, such a fool, such a day, such weather

so stupid, so excited, so patient



但在某种程序上,状语从句又是最复杂的,那就是它的那个连接词。通常如果在状语从句上有什么问题,就是连接词没有搞清楚。说起原因,就认because, 说起条件,只记得if, 导致阴沟里翻船。所以务必全方位出击连接词,也就是状语从句的引导词,避免冤死在这类弱智从句上。



连接词主要有 if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that 等。.

if 引导的条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种。非真实条件句已在虚拟语气中阐述。

  unless = if not. 

  Let's go out for a walk unless you are too tired.

 If you are not too tied, let's go out for a walk.


You will be late ___ you leave immediately. 

a. unless  b. until  c. if d. or

 答案a。 句意:除非你立即走,否则你就回迟到的。可转化为 if you dong leave immediately, you will be late. b、d句意不对,or表转折,句子如为 you leave immediately or you will be late.


though, although

 注意: 当有though, although时,后面的从句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可连用

 Although it's raining, they are still working in the field. 


 He is very old, but he still works very hard. 


 Though the sore be healed, yet a scar may remain.

 伤口虽愈合,但伤疤留下了。 (谚语)


1) ___she is young, she knows quite a lot. 

a.When b. However  c.Although  d.Unless


2) as, though 引导的倒装句

  as / though引导的让步从句必须表语或状语提前(形容词、副词、分词、实义动词提前)。

Child as /though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.

 =Though he was a small child, he knew what was the right thing to do.

注意: a. 句首名词不能带任何冠词。

b. 句首是实义动词,其他助动词放在主语后。如果实义动词有宾语和状语,随实义动词一起放在主语之前。

Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.

  =Though he tries hard, he never seems…


3) ever if, even though. 即使

we'll make a trip even though the weather is bad.

4) whether…or-  不管……都

Whether you believe it or not, it is true.

5) "no matter 疑问词" 或"疑问词 后缀ever"

No matter what happened, he would not mind.

Whatever happened, he would not mind.

  替换:no matter what = whatever

no matter who = whoever

no matter when = whenever

no matter where = wherever

no matter which = whichever

no matter how = however

  注意:no matter 不能引导主语从句和宾语从句。

 (错)no matter what you say is of no use now.

 (对)Whatever you say is of no use now.

你现在说什么也没用了。(whatever you say是主语从句)

 (错)Prisoners have to eat no matter what they're given,

 (对)Prisoners have to eat whatever they're given. 囚犯们只能给什么吃什么。


所谓特殊从属连词,是指一些容易引起误解的从属连词。普通的从属连词如because, although, when, 因为功能单一,而且频繁出镜,一看即知它后面肯定跟着一个状语从句。另外有些从属连词却不然,乍一看,它不个正经的从属连词,因为它还本身更像某种其它词,如果不能确认它的真实身份,后面出现一个从句可能让人手忙脚乱,不知所从。其实它们是一群披着各种皮的狼。其中有名词之“皮”、副词之“皮”、分词之“皮”等,需要我们透过现象得其“狼”的本质。


1. 名词型从属连词。看起来只是一个名词,但可以引导从句,主要见于时间状语从句,如 the moment。

every time i listen to music i'll think of it.

he didn't tell me anything the last time i saw him.

he flinched each time she spoke to him.

the moment/instant i saw him i knew that there was no hope.


you see the lightening ____ it happens, but you hear the thunder later. (97-01 cet-4)

a. the instant*

b. for an instant

c. on the instant

d. in an instant

2. 副词型从属连词,如directly等。

directly he uttered these words, there was a dead silence.

3. 分词性从属连词,如supposing (that)等。

Supposing (that) it rains, can we play the match indoors?

Providing (that) there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting here.

Given that they're inexperienced, they've done a good job.



4. that型从属连词,如in that, now that等

Now that we have decorated the house, we can move in.

Privatization is thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition.



Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful ____ it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors. (2000-01 cet-4)

a. by which

b. to which

c. in that*

d. so that

Lasa is unique ____ it is the highest city in China. (cet-4)

a. on that

b. so that

c. for that

d. in that

5. 疑问词及whether...or...

stay where you are!

Corn flourished best where the ground is rich.

Do it how you can.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.


I am going whether it is raining or not.

I'll go, whether you come with me or stay at home.

*与名词从句分开。除了此处不作主语宾语,作状语往往与主句有逗号隔开或在句末,而且or not不能少。


6. 多功能从属连词,可引导状语从句,也可能是为其它功能,意义也有差异。如as, once, since等。



They entered the building disguised as cleaner.

As her private secretary he has access to all her correspondence.


Cyprus, as you know, is an island in the mediterranean. 如你所知,塞浦路斯是地中海的一个岛屿。


As he grew older he lost interest in everything except gardening.

As she's been ill perhaps she'll need some help.

Much as i like you, i couldn't live with you.



She was once a true love of mine.


Once you have learned Spanish, you will find Italian easy.

7. 比较句。(有些归为状语从句,老邪放在“特别句型”后讲)



Metals expand when (they are) heated and contract (they are) cooled.

When (he was) a student in the university, he read a lot.

While (he was) waiting, he took out a magazine to read.

A tiger can't be tamed unless (it is) caught very yound.

The kind of tree grows favorably where (it is) wet.


A tiger can't be tamed unless ____ very young. (toefl)

a. being caught

b. caught*

c. it being caught

d. it's being caught

____, dr. smith has long been a severe critic of the government's economic policies.

a.Although not being an economist himself

b.Although not an economist himself*

c.Although not having been an economist himself

d.Although being no an economist himself

Areagent is any chemical that reacts in a predictable way ____ with other chemicals. (toefl)

a. when mixed*

b. when is mixed

c. it mixed

d. when mixing

A beam of light will not bend round corners unless _____ to do so with the help of a reflecting device.

a. made*

b. to be made

c. being made

d. having

As a general rule, snakes don't bite unless ____. (toefl)

a. offended*

b. are offended

c. they offended

d. offending





Had I learned the new grammar,I would have done much better.

wereI you,I would not do that.

as, though引导让步状语从句时

old as i am, i can still fight.

Try as you may, you will never succeed.

Fool as he looks, he always seems to make the wisest proposals.

Exhausted though she was, there was no hope of her being able to sleep.


No sooner had I arrived home than it began to rain.

Hardly/scarcely had i arrived home when it began to rain.

No sooner had we begun having dinner than the doorbell rang.

