

According to the twenty-four solar terms, the beginning of spring has begun. Spring has returned to the earth, everything has recovered, and the weather has become warmer. Many people go outing to enjoy flowers. In spring, which flowers will bloom?






The poem described "stars twinkling and evening breeze, a little bit of neon drunk eyes, golden jasmine flowers and trees, fragrance drifting all the way to send joy." It blooms every year in the spring, with golden flowers blooming, and the branchlets are slender and erect or arched and drooping. Together with plum, narcissus, and camellia, they are collectively referred to as the "Four Friends in the Snow". The winter jasmine flower color is dignified and beautiful, the temperament is extraordinary, it is not afraid of the cold, and has the characteristics of strong adaptability. Because the winter jasmine blooms first among the flowers, it is named after the spring when the flowers bloom.






The poem described the rapeseed as "Ling cold snow and frost, a long breeze of yellow." It blooms in spring for people to watch, and it bears fruit in autumn. The rapeseed seeds are squeezed out of fragrant vegetable oil for cooking. A large field of yellow flowers is very beautiful.





"Three or two branches of peach outside bamboo, spring river plumbing duck prophet", in spring, peach blossoms, peach blossoms belong to the Rosaceae plant, the leaves are oval-lanceolate, stone fruits are nearly spherical, mainly divided into two categories: peach and flower peach . Peach blossoms are native to central and northern China, and are now widely planted in temperate countries and regions in the world, and their reproduction is mainly grafted. The peach blossom is also, not only for people to watch, but also can be made into flower cakes, peach blossom balls, peach blossom tea and other foods, with unique taste. In addition, the elements in peach blossom have the medicinal value of dredging the meridians and moisturizing the skin. Its flower language and its representative meaning are: the captive of love.


