



例如:red flag(红旗)、red wine(红酒)、red letter days(纪念日、喜庆的日子),在西方一般指圣诞节或其他节日,因为这些日子在日历上是用红色标明的,所以red letter的转义就是“可纪念的、喜庆的”(普通的日子印的是黑色)

又如:to paint the town red表示“狂欢”、“痛饮”、“胡闹”,多指夜生活中的狂欢作乐,饮酒胡闹,不是“把全城染红” We will roll out the red carpet for the delegation. red carpet在句中的意思是隆重的接待或欢迎。但在英语中红色也代表危险和暴力,因为红色是血液的颜色,自然会与流血牺牲在一起。如A red battle happened in this village. red battle的意思是“血战”。

红色还指“负债”或“亏损”,因为人们总是用红笔登记负数。于是就有了这些词组:red figure(赤字)/ red ink(赤字)/ in the red(亏损)/ red-ink entry(赤字分录)/ red balance(赤字差额)/ red gold(纯金)/ red tip on stock market(指股票市场的最新情报)


例如:红糖(brown sugar)/ 红茶(black tea)/ 红榜(honour roll)/ 红豆(love pea)/ 红运(good luck)/ 红利(dividend)/ 红事(wedding)


例如:red wine(红酒)/ red ruin(火灾)/ red battle(血战)/ red sky(彩霞)/ roll the red carpet for sb.(热烈欢迎某人)/ see red(愤怒)/ red cent(一文不值)/ red tape(官样文件,官僚习气,办事拖拉,手续繁琐)/ red-eye(夜班飞机)/ red neck(乡巴佬,粗俗好斗的穷人)/ a red battle(血战)/ in the red(赤字,亏损)/ red light district(红灯区)/ red sugar(黄糖,化学药品)/ red handed(现行犯的,被当场抓住的;当场,正在作案)/ loyal and professional(又红又专)/ winner role(红榜)/ see through the world(看破红尘)/ have a good start(开门红)/ very close lady friends(红颜知己)/ revolutionary basic(红色根据地)


例如:The cruelty of this woman to the children makes her neighbors see red。(气愤、发怒)

When I mendoned it to her, she went red. (脸红,羞愧)

The policeman caught the thief red—handed. (当场)

We’ll soon be out of the red. (亏损)

There is too much red—tape in obtaining an identity card. (繁琐、官僚习气)

A red cap Can help you with your baggage in a hotel. (red cap在英国指宪兵,在美国指服务搬运工,这里指的是后者)

He had the habit of drinking the red eye every day. (redeye指廉价烈性威士忌)

Tom is a red hot. (red hot指感情强烈的人)

The lawyer red—penciled the law suit. (red—pencil指改正、修正)

Many people prefer red meat to white meat. (red meat指牛羊肉)

There are several red balls between Wuhan and Beijing. (red ball指特别快车)
