White Snake, these two words for Chinese people will instantly conjure up memories about the famous folk tale “The Legend of the White Snake.”,我来为大家科普一下关于粤剧电影白蛇传在哪个平台看?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



White Snake, these two words for Chinese people will instantly conjure up memories about the famous folk tale “The Legend of the White Snake.”


This year, the Cantonese opera film “The White Snake”madequite a splash online. Some foreign friends have also been attracted by Chinese traditional opera culture.

今年,粤剧电影《白蛇传 情》在网络掀起狂潮,甚至外国友人也被中国传统戏曲文化所吸引。

Would you like to know what they are saying about it? Let’s take a look together!


来源 | 羊城晚报•羊城派

责编 | 郑宗敏
