Messi on Ginobili: They should call me the Manu of football



[–]Sixers BandwagonTrexfromouterspace 1966 指標 10小時前

I honestly see the similarity.

Manu eurosteps to avoid defenders and get points.

Messi launders money in secret offshore accounts to evade taxes.

Totally the same thing.





[–]PM_ME_ALLNUDES 242 指標 10小時前

Got me good


[–]Timberwolveseeeedlef 70 指標 9小時前

Did he boom you?


[–]Clippersd1g1tal 70 指標 9小時前



[–][CLE] LeBron Jamessilkkthechakakhan 82 指標 8小時前

Messi then said he wanted to add Manu to the list of Argentinian people he disappointed with his World Cup performance


[–]LakersoOoleveloOo 94 指標 9小時前

Serious question. Whatsup with La Liga players and tax evasion? Obviously they don’t do their own taxes. Are Spain’s tax laws that complicated? What gives?


[–]KillerBeesRedux 103 指標 9小時前

Soon after David Beckham joined Real Madrid in 2003, he was able to enjoy a new tax-exemption scheme aimed at attracting foreign talent to Spain across all sectors. That scheme became known as the Beckham Law, when he became one of the first players to sign up to a six-year-long tax ceiling of 24%, roughly half what Spaniards paid on six-figure-plus incomes.


Spain was in the midst of an unprecedented economic boom, a perfect playground for "galacticos" of the likes of Zinedine Zidane and Luis Figo, before the arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo and the emergence of Barcelona prodigy Lionel Messi.


But in 2010 the Beckham Law was scrapped for salaries of more than €600,000, and since then tax inspectors have begun to wise up to the use of complex financial operations using offshore shell companies to get around tax laws.


"The line between avoidance and evasion is very fine in these cases. In the past few years Spain's tax agency has intensified its control over footballers and their companies, checking to see if they are mere fronts or whether they are really active economically," explains Carlos Cruzado, president of tax inspectors' union Gestha.

“在这些案件中,避税和逃税之间的区别非常细微。过去几年,西班牙的税务机构加强了对足球运动员以及他们公司的管控,排查这些公司是否只是个掩护,还是真的有活跃的经济方面运作。”西班牙财政部技术人员工会主席Carlos Cruzado解释道。


[–]Bulletsber_meiners 747 指標 9小時前

I think it's obvious that Messi is better or generally more important to the football world than Manu is to the basketball world. But quotes like these will remind of us that the level of respect Argentinians have for Manu.


​The basketball world is bigger than NBA accomplishments, it is unprecedented for any South American player to do so much at the highest level and I think that is what Messi is comparing himself to when he says this. Messi is doing unprecedented things in European football for an Argentinian, the same way Manu did in the NBA.


[–][SAS] Mengke BateerUsedpresident 202 指標 6小時前

Messi had a predecessor in Europe, Diego Maradona. Played for the same team and wore the same jersey number too. I think Messi is a better player, though Argentinians would disagree. But Manu is Maradona - the groundbreaker, the universally loved. The next Manu from Argentina, if there ever is one, will be Messi.


[–]poodle_corleone 86 指標 6小時前

Maradona was mythical on a national team level. He is essentially responsible for Argentina's only two world cups. Club soccer wasn't what it is today back then but his club career wasn't as decorated as his national team career.


Messi is the exact opposite. He is arguably the greatest player to ever play club soccer but his national teams consistently fall short (a lot). Messi has achieved more than anyone on the club level (on par with Ronaldo) and may go down as the best ever by the end of his career.


While both players wear/wore #10, this number is more of a positional number than anything else. It is typically reserved for the best attacking player on the team. It is typically an honor to wear #10 for a team.


[–][SAS] Manu Ginobilipepecassidy 62 指標 5小時前

Maradona didn't play for the team that won the 1978 world cup. I agree with the rest, though.


[–]KillerBeesRedux 166 指標 11小時前

Okay, now are we allowed to call Manu overrated? I mean what are we waiting for at this point?


[–][IND] Jermaine O'Nealstuckinthesameloop 579 指標 11小時前

He's a little better than the Manu of football


[–]Wizardsireddit270 752 指標 10小時前

But Manu has actually won something for Argentina..


[–]reggiedp16 308 指標 10小時前

they both won olympic gold for argentina


[–]Wizardsireddit270 119 指標 10小時前

Granted I was kinda being cheeky but Messi's was U23 Olympics lol .. that medal doesn't count for much of anything in a footballing nation like Argentina


[–][LAL] Lonzo BallCoolScales 108 指標 10小時前

I think Messi's more like LeBron. He scores and assists. I think Ronaldo's more like Durant in that he's a fantastic scorer, but also gets a decent amount of assists.


[–][LAL] Kyle KuzmaHam_Solo7 105 指標 9小時前

Definitely alot of parallels between Ronaldo and KD. But I would say Ronaldo is also alot like Kobe, both have insane work ethics and mentality to win. Both scores alot, get called selfish very often eventhough both have decent amount of assist number, both played for the most illustrious team (Madrid/Lakers) in their sport.


[–]fleonsky 52 指標 8小時前

ITT: people who don't watch soccer


[–]Lakerssk8alien3721 216 指標 8小時前

For people who talking about how Messi hasn't won anything for his country you need to understand how incredibly incompetent the argentine FA is, to say they are the Sacramento kings of football is too generous. From things like have a tie vote for the president at 38-38 despite there being ONLY 75 voters, to Messi himself paying out of his pocket the salaries of training staff, because they wouldn't.


Messi fucking dragged us through the World Cup qualifiers. For me he is the greatest athlete of all time regardless of sport.


[–]Clipperssupergroovalistic 127 指標 8小時前

Damn Kings fans aren't safe in any thread.


[–]Lakersdlm891 38 指標 7小時前

Those last two Copa Americas were brutal for Argentina. In both tournaments, they didn't trail for a single minute in any match, only to lose in penalty kicks in the final to Chile.

