Section 5 RPMB Safe-box第五节 RPMB 保险箱

What is RPMB? This is the very unique memory partition in the eMMC device. What is the usage of this RPMB? Mainly for the security feature, it is like the safe-box which provide the highest level protection in the eMMC device. Why the name RPMB is so strange? It is the acronym of the Replay Protected Memory Block. So we finally came to the key point what is the Replay Protected?


To understand what is the Replay Protected, we need first understand what is Replay attack. Replay attack also known as playback attack is a form of network attack in which valid data transmission is sniffed and then maliciously or fraudulently repeated or delayed by the ‘man-in-the-middle’ (a.k.a MITM)。


We have two levels of concept, attack and Replay attack. In order to prevent the first level attack, the efficient way is to use the encryption. Key and Message Authentication Code (a.k.a MAC) are used for this encryption. To be more precisely, the host or the eMMC device will share the same Key, which is implanted in advance into both sides when manufactured, to generate a Hash-based MAC. Once the message data is encrypted, it will be hardly to be decrypted so to preventing from modification. But hardly do not mean 100% impossibly. To enhanced this encryption, both sides will adding a Nonce (Number ONCE),into each interactive message. This will cause the maliciously decryption to take much longer time which cannot be achieved theoretically, because the Nonce is randomly generated and will be used for one time.


Even without decryption, the attacker still could repeatedly send the message that is sniffed by the MITM. Here it comes the 2nd level Replay attack. A counter in each message is used to guarantee the same message could be sent for only one time, not possible to be replayed at any situation.


The RPMB operations could be categorized into two groups, one is write-like operations and the other one is read-like operations. There is no erase operation for the RPMB. Write-like operations include Authentication Key programming, Authenticated Data Write and Authenticated Device Configuration Write. Read-like operation include reading of the Counter Value, Authenticated Data Read,Authenticated Device Configuration Read and Result register read.


Read-like operations are relative simpler than write-like operations, so we start from them. First using write command CMD25 to write the corresponding read request like read data, counter, configuration or result. CMD23 argument should be set to one prior the CMD25, as the request message is only one sector length. Here we only discuss 1 sector case, actually eMMC RPMB suppout larger sectors access as well.

相对类写操作,类读操作要简单一些,所以我们从他们开始。首先用CMD25写相应的读请求比如读数据,计数器,配置或者结果。在CMD25之前CMD23的参数应该被设置为1,因为这些请求只有一个块长度。这里我们只讨论一个块的场景,其实 eMMC RPMB也支持多个块的访问。

It is kind of confused as the RPMB read operation goes from eMMC write command. This is because the 32-bit argument of eMMC command is not longer enough and also no any encryption mechanism. All the Host RPMB operation requests, no matter read-like or host-like, are embedded in a one 512-Byte data sector for the easier encryption purpose. Then how host deliver this 512-Byte pack to eMMC device could be treated like a one sector write from Host to eMMC device. It could be implemented by introduce a totally new command with the name RPMB request or something like this, but there is no essential difference from CMD25. CMD25 is good enough to take this job.


If you still have some confusion, think about the eMMC read command, the command itself is to send or so called write some parameters from host to eMMC device to let it know what need to be done next. After polling the D0 from busy low to ready high for this request pack written done (note that this busy time is not because of the flash program but time needed of the RPMB pack decryption), host could then use read command CMD18 to get the desired length data from the eMMC device. One more thing is that the status in R1 response to CMD25 could not be used for the RPMB operation result indication as this result need be encrypted too in the RPMB read data packet.


Write-like operations are a little different. First, write command CMD25 which carry the write-like operation request need to set a special bit-31 reliable write in the 32-bit argument. This is to ensure the old data is still valid until the new data have been successfully programmed into the same LBA address of RBMB area. Another difference is the return result of the write-like operation. As mentioned in the read-like operation, this result could not be embedded in eMMC command R1 response as not encrypted. What’s more, not like read-like opeartion, there is no data sent back from eMMC device to host after write-like operation. In order to get the result, we need to use one of the read-like operations, a dedicated Read result request of to get the result after the RPMB data programming done.



eMMC RPMB Operation / eMMC RPMB 操作

The last remained thing is the Authenticated Device Configuration Area which is acessed by the Authenticated Device Configuration Read and write. We leave it in the topic of the security operation.

