The first in a series of memorials in George Floyd's honour has been held in Minneapolis. 乔治·弗洛伊德的葬礼在明尼阿波利斯市举行,这是一系列纪念活动的第一场。

Family, friends and civil rights leaders gathered at the North Central University in the city. 弗洛伊德的家人、朋友和民权领袖聚集在北中央大学的葬礼举行地。


Mr Floyd's death at the hands of US police has caused an outpouring of anger, 弗洛伊德死于美国警方之手,这一事件引发了人们的愤怒,

prompting 10 days of protests in at least 140 cities across the United States, with more people rallying today. 促使全美至少140座城市举行了持续10天的抗议活动,预计今天将有更多人参加集会。

Still in the US. 继续来看美国的新闻。

Three white men charged with the murder of another unarmed black man earlier this year in Georgia have appeared in court for the first time. 三名白人男子被控今年早些时候在佐治亚州谋杀另一名手无寸铁的黑人男子,三名被告今天首次出庭受审。

The trio appeared via video-link as the court was told details of how they stalked and shot 25-year old Ahmaud Arbery while he was out running. 三人通过视频连接的方式出庭,法庭了解了他们跟踪并枪杀外出跑步的25岁男子阿莫德·阿尔伯里的细节。

Prosecutors have alleged one of his attackers used a racial slur after shooting the jogger. 检方指控其中一名袭击者在枪杀阿尔伯里后使用了种族歧视字眼。

Two states will have more choice in how to spend their long weekends with restrictions being lifted in the Northern Teritory and Tasmania. 随着北领地和塔斯马尼亚州解除限制措施,这两个州在如何度过长周末方面将有更多选择。

In the NT from midday today team sports, getting a tattoo and enjoying the outdoor cinema are all back on the table. 从今天午时开始,北领地的团队运动、纹身和露天电影院都将重新开放。

While in the south, Tasmanians can head to camping trips. 而在南部,塔斯马亚州居民可以开始露营旅行。

Plus, pubs and clubs, excluding nightclubs, will be allowed up to 40 patrons. 此外,酒吧和俱乐部将获准最多接纳40名顾客,但夜总会除外。

And it was the worst performance in the Brisbane Broncos history after the club was thumped 59-nil by the Sydney Roosters. 布里斯班野马队以0比59完败悉尼公鸡队,这是野马队历史上表现最差的一次。

The defending premiers scored ten tries in the rampaging win. 卫冕冠军公鸡队在这场狂胜中10次触地得分。
