

2. 在“语言环境”(原版英语)中体验更多“磕牙”英语





1.I accidentally chewed on a rock, can it damage my tooth?

so today I was eating and somehow a small rock got into my food and I accidentally bit down hard on it. it hurt like heck so I checked my tooth and it looked normal and it doesnt hurt as much now,but that tooth is a little sensitive. Is my tooth Okay or might it be cracked or something?

2.If you accidentally bite down on something hard like a popcorn kernel, even a healthy tooth can succumb to breakage...

二、Okay.I got you“习得”式学习:“不小心磕牙”的英语口语

1. Okay.Got you.You will say:accidentally bite on/bite down on something hard like a small rock,or a popcorn kernel if you want to say 磕牙 in English.

2.Example:We can say:

I (accidentally) bit on something hard,or bit down on something hard,and I hurt my tooth.
