1. Learning goes on ___ life.学习是一生的事。
2. You have your whole life ___ of you.你前面还有漫长的人生呢。
3. ___ the first time in my life I was happy.我人生中第一次感到幸福。
4. I’ve never been so ___ in my life!我这辈子还从来没这么尴尬过呢。
5. I’ve known John ___ my life.我从小就认识约翰了。
6. His main aim in life was to have ___.他人生的主要目标就是享乐。
7. It was one of the ___ days of my life.那是我一生中最快乐的时光之一。
8. The accident ___ him for life.这场事故给他留下了终生的创伤。
9. She knew she’d feel guilty for the ___ of her life.她知道自己将内疚终生。
10. Raj spent his life ___ for others.拉杰一辈子都在关爱他人。
11. Bonington spent his ___ adult life in France.博宁顿成年后一直在法国生活。
12. We don’t know much about the poet’s ___ life.我们对这位诗人的早年生活所知甚少。
13. Poor diet can lead to a whole ___ of diseases in later life.饮食不良会在晚年引发各种疾病。
14. She married ___ in life.她结婚晚。
15. He’s a ___ member of the club.他是俱乐部的终身会员。
16. The right ___ life is the most basic of human rights.生存权是最基本的人权。
17. Danny was a ___ little boy who loved life.丹尼是一个热爱生命的快乐小男孩。
18. Two firefighters ___ their lives to save the children.两名消防员冒着生命的危险营救这些孩子。
19. The operation should enable Bobby to lead a ___ life.这次手术应该能让博比过上正常的生活。
20. She just wanted to ___ a quiet life.她只是想过平静的生活。
21. ___ a baby changes your life completely.有了孩子会彻底改变你的生活。
22. The family moved to Australia to ___ a new life.这家人移居澳大利亚,开始新的生活。
23. Ken’s whole life ___ around surfing.肯的全部生活都以冲浪为中心。
24. You shouldn’t let your boyfriend ___ your life.你不应该让你的男朋友主宰你的生活。
25. My grandmother had a ___ life.我的祖母一生坎坷。
26. She’s led a very ___ life.她过着备受呵护的生活。
27. He had been ___ into a life of crime.他被引上了犯罪的道路。
28. Why do so few women ___ political life?为什么涉足政坛的女性这么少?
29. This is the British ___ of life.这就是英国人的生活方式。
30. Noise has become one of the main ___ of modern city life.噪音已成为现代城市生活的主要污染之一。
31. He missed the ___ of army life.他怀念按部就班的军队生活。
32. Are you enjoying ___ life?你婚后生活开心吗?
33. Now a ___ chef, he rarely talks about his life as an army cook.他现在是一位名厨,很少谈起他在部队里当炊事员的经历
34. Sara admits to having ___ throughout her married life.萨拉承认她婚后一直有外遇。
35. Most of his ___ life was spent in the shipyards.他的工作生涯中大部分时间是在船厂度过的。
36. I don’t need ___ about my love life.我的爱情生活不需要有人来指手画脚。
37. Most Chinese still stick to traditional ___ of family life.大部分中国人仍然坚持传统的家庭生活观念。
38. Children need a ___ and happy home life.儿童需要充满关爱,幸福的家庭生活。
39. My aunt Julia had very ___ experience of life.我姨妈朱莉娅的生活经验很少。
40. Life has a way of changing the ___ of plans.人生就是这样,偏要改变你好好的计划。
41. For some people, religion ___ life a meaning.对有些人来说,宗教信仰使人生有了意义。
42. We have to face the ___ and disappointments of everyday life.我们必须面对日常生活中的挫折和失意。
43. I try to ___ the funny side of life.我尽量去发掘生活中有趣的一面。
44. The issues will not be resolved during the ___ of the present parliament.这些问题在本届议会任期内是得不到解决的。
45. The building ___ life as a monastery.这座建筑物最初是一座修道院。
46. What’s the ___ life of a passenger aircraft?客机的平均使用寿命是多久?
47. Ben felt her neck for a ___ or any other sign of life.本摸了摸她的脖子,看是不是还有脉搏或者其他生命迹象。
48. In the springtime, everything ___ to life again.春天,万物复苏。
49. Is there life on other ___?其他星球上有生命吗?
50. The island is ___ in bird life.岛上鸟类繁多。
51. Music is Laura’s ___ life.音乐是劳拉生命的全部。
52. Don’t call me unless it’s a ___ of life and death.如果不是什么生死大事就不要打电话给我。
53. A doctor’s job involves life and death ___.医生的工作经常关乎生死。
54. He’s up to ___ five and still has three lives left.他打到了第五关,仍有三条命。
55. The house was quiet and there was no ___ of life.屋子里静悄悄的,没有一丝动静。
56. She was always so cheerful and ___ of life.她总是那么乐观,充满生气。
57. Try to put some ___ into your writing.文章要尽量写得有生气。
58. The game really came to life after a magnificent ___ from Rouney.鲁尼攻入漂亮一球后,比赛变得非常精彩。
59. A gifted teacher can really ___ literature to life for his or her students.有才华的老师可以把文学教得生动有趣。
60. Finally the car ___ into life.汽车终于突突地发动了起来。
61. Surely computers are ___ to make life easier, not more complicated!电脑按说应当是要方便生活,而不是让生活更复杂吧!
62. Why ___ life difficult for yourself?为什么要给自己的生活找麻烦呢?
63. He is the life and ___ of the party.他是社交聚会中最活跃的人。
64. She risks life and ___ everyday in her job as an undercover investigator.她的工作是当密探,每天都要冒生命危险。
65. You guys should just stop moaning and ___ a life!你们这些家伙就别抱怨了,来点有意思的吧!
66. Oh well, ___ life!好了,生活就是这样!
67. Ah, this is the life! Lying on the beach, ___ cool drinks.啊!这样才是生活!躺在沙滩上,喝着清凉的饮料。
68. I had the surprise of my ___ when I saw John standing there.我看到约翰站在那里,真是天大的意外。
69. Hi Bob! ___ life?嗨,鲍勃,你好吗?
70. How’s life been ___ you?你过得好吗?
71. We both miss him, but life ___ on.我们俩都想念他,可是生活还得继续呀。
72. The ball seemed to have ___ a life of its own.那个球就像活了一样。
73. Slowly but surely, the project is ___ on a life of its own.这个项目正依靠自身力量缓慢但稳步地向前推进。
74. I couldn’t ___ the life of me remember his name.我怎么也想不起他的名字。
75. Forget about ___. Life’s too short.忘了这事吧,生命太短暂了。
76. Life’s too short for ___ about.人生短暂,没有时间自怨自艾。
77. Life’s too short to ___ grudges.人生苦短,何必怀恨心头。
78. “Are you going to go and work for him then?” “Not ___ your life!”“那么你是要替他工作喽?”“我才不干呢!”
79. This is the ___ gift for the man in your life.这是送给你生命中的男人最理想的礼物。
80. He was sentenced to life ___ the murder.他因谋杀罪被判终身监禁。
81. I think she should ___ life.我觉得应该判她无期徒刑。
82. She’s taking classes in life ___.她在上写生课。
83. Don’t do that! You scared the ___ out of me!别那样做!你把我的魂都吓掉了!
84. He spent all day ___ by the pool and living the life of Riley.他整天就是赖洋洋地躺在游泳池旁,日子过得舒适安逸。
85. She expects to meet her ___ husband in the next life.她期待着来生与亡夫相会。
86. The money you gave will ___ the life of a child.你给的这些钱能拯救一个孩子的生命。
87. He risked his life to help ___ during the Second World War.第二次世界大战中他冒着生命危险帮助犹太人。
88. Hundreds of people ___ their lives on the first day of the fighting.战斗第一天就有数百人丧生。
89. All cultures consider it ___ to take a life for no reason.所有的文化均认为无故剥夺他人生命是犯罪。
90. He was ___ and decided to take his own life.他意志消沉,决定自杀。
91. The COVID-19 ___ the lives of up to five million people in the world.新冠肺炎已夺走全世界达500万人的生命。
92. The victim said he ___ his life to the stranger who helped him.受害者说他能活下来多亏那位陌生人的帮助。
93. Communication is the ___ of a good marriage.沟通是美满婚姻的根本保证。
94. Anton’s lifeless body was found ___ in the lake.安东的尸体被发现漂浮在湖里。
95. The actors’ performances were ___.演员的表演了无生气。
96. The surface of the Moon is ___ and lifeless.月球表面干旱,没有生命。
97. The smartphone is her ___ to the rest of the world.智能手机是她与外界保持联系的生命线。
98. The organization proved to be a lifeline for thousands of ___ families.这个机构已经成为数以千计贫困家庭的生命支柱。
99. She became a ___ friend of ours.她成了我们一辈子的朋友。
100. David finally ___ his lifelong ambition.戴维终于实现了他毕生的抱负。
101. A microwave oven can be a real lifesaver when you’re ___ for time.时间紧迫时,微波炉真是个救星。
102. The seat belt is the biggest ___ lifesaver in cars.安全带是汽车里最重要的救命装备。
103. The boy needs a life-saving ___ operation.这个男孩需要做移植手术来保命。
104. All of the staff have been ___ in lifesaving.所有员工都受过水中救生培训。
105. Miller is ___ a life sentence for murder.米勒因谋杀罪在服无期徒刑。
106. Men have a shorter ___ than women.男性的平均寿命比女性短。
107. ___ exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle.经常锻炼身体是健康生活方式的一部分。
108. They lead an extremely ___ lifestyle.他们的生活穷奢极侈。
109. It’s the ___ of opportunity you see only once a lifetime.这次机会你一辈子也只能碰到一次。
110. It was a holiday of a ___.这样的假期终身难得。
朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014
1 throughout 2 ahead 3 For 4 embarrassed 5 all 6 fun 7 best 8 scarred 9 rest 10 caring 11 entire 12 early 13 range 14 late 15 life 16 to 17 cheerful 18 risked 19 normal 20 live 21 Having 22 start 23 revolved 24 rule 25 hard 26 sheltered 27 drawn 28 enter 29 way 30 pollutants 31 routine 32 married 33 celebrity 34 affairs 35 working 36 advice 37 views 38 caring 39 little 40 best 41 gives 42 frustrations 43 see 44 life 45 began 46 average 47 pulse 48 comes 49 planets 50 rich 51 whole 52 matter 53 situations 54 level 55 sign 56 full 57 life 58 goal 59 bring 60 spluttered 61 supposed 62 make 63 soul 64 limb 65 get 66 that’s 67 sipping 68 life 69 How’s 70 with 71 goes 72 acquired 73 taking 74 for 75 it 76 mopping 77 bear 78 on 79 ideal 80 for 81 get 82 drawing 83 life 84 lounging 85 dead 86 save 87 Jews 88 lost 89 wrong 90 depressed 91 claimed 92 owed 93 lifeblood 94 floating 95 lifeless 96 arid 97 lifeline 98 needy 99 lifelong 100 realized 101 pressed 102 single 103 transplant 104 trained 105 serving 106 lifespan 107 Regular 108 lavish 109 sort 110 lifetime