Those lips that Love's own hand did make为爱神我黯然伤神,Breathed forth the sound that said 'I hate'而她却用亲自造成的双唇To me that languish'd for her sake;对我吐出了一声“我恨”But when she saw my woeful state,但当她看到我悲哀的处境,Straight in her heart did mercy come,便立刻满怀慈悲之心,Chiding that tongue that ever sweet责备舌头一改旧时的甜蜜温存,Was used in giving gentle doom,虽拒绝也应措辞委婉,,我来为大家科普一下关于一起读莎士比亚十四行诗?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



Those lips that Love's own hand did make为爱神我黯然伤神,Breathed forth the sound that said 'I hate'而她却用亲自造成的双唇To me that languish'd for her sake;对我吐出了一声“我恨”。But when she saw my woeful state,但当她看到我悲哀的处境,Straight in her heart did mercy come,便立刻满怀慈悲之心,Chiding that tongue that ever sweet责备舌头一改旧时的甜蜜温存,Was used in giving gentle doom,虽拒绝也应措辞委婉,

And taught it thus anew to greet:所以须对我客气三分:I hate' she alter'd with an end,"“我恨”,她未说完便中途停下,That follow'd it as gentle day这一停便迎来气朗天清,Doth follow night, who like a fiend先前的暗夜有如魔鬼,From heaven to hell is flown away;从天堂被扔进地狱之门。I hate' from hate away she threw,她把“我恨”的“恨"字抛弃,And saved my life, saying 'not you.'补一句“不是你”便救了我的命。
