
Chinese dramas seen as potential Netflix killers中国电视剧被视为潜在的网飞“杀手”



Korean streaming media platforms Wavve and Watcha Play are attracting fans of Asian programming by offering Chinese dramas and Japanese animation. Their strategy is to focus on categories neglected by other players, especially Netflix.

韩国线上视频网站Wavve及Watcha Play因为提供中国电视剧及日本动漫而吸引了很多亚洲节目的粉丝。他们的战略就是提供其它平台(如网飞等)忽视的节目种类。

Among major over-the-top (OTT) media platforms in Korea, Wavve and Watcha Play have the largest number of Asian programs. In the case of Chinese dramas, Wavve has the most, at 270 series, followed by Watcha Play, with 212. The industry estimates that Tving has 70. Netflix did not disclose the exact figure, but only about 40 Chinese are listed when Chinese series are searched. The industry estimates that Netflix has 130 Chinese and Japanese dramas in total.

在韩国的主要线上播放平台中,Wavve和Watcha Play拥有数量最多的亚洲原创节目。具体到中国电视剧而言,Wavve拥有的数量最多,达到270部, Watcha Play以212部紧随其后。此外,据业界估计TVing也有70部的资源。网飞没有公布具体数量,但在该平台搜索时,大约只有40部中国电视剧。据估计网飞总共有约130部中国及日本剧集资源。

The growth of Chinese dramas on Wavve is a result of the increased number of Chinese drama fans in Korea. If the keyword “Chinese drama" is searched on Twitter in hangul, 40,000 to 60,000 mentions appear between 2016 and 2018. For 2019, 136,000 mentions appear. This year alone, the number of references to Chinese dramas reached 86,000.

因为韩国的中国电视剧粉丝逐渐增长,Wavve上提供的中剧资源也随之增多。如果在推特上用韩语/朝鲜语搜索“中国电视剧”,2016年到2018年总共的搜索结果大约只有4-6万个,但仅2019年一年,搜索结果就达到了13.6万。 今年到目前为止,提到中剧的帖子已经达到了8.6万余条。

A 29-year-old office worker surnamed Yeo became a Chinese drama fan after watching "My Fair Princess” when she was in elementary school. The video streaming platforms that she uses the most are Wavve, Watcha Play, and Tving. "The colorful costumes, backgrounds and rapid story development make Chinese dramas stands out compared to Korean dramas," Yeo said.

某姓Yeo的29岁办公室职员称其是在小学时候看了“还珠格格”后成为中剧粉丝的,她最常用的视频网站包括Wavve, Watcha Play和TVing。 “中剧丰富的服装、背景和快节奏,与韩剧比起来更有优势。”

Another office worker, Jung Sae-rom, fell in love with a popular Chinese drama series that accumulated 5.7 billion local views called “The Untamed,” aired on China's Tencent Video.

另一位办公室职员Jung Sae-rom则爱上了在腾讯视频上累计观看超过57亿次的流行中剧“陈情令”。

"I was watching it on a Chinese TV channel, but when I heard that Wavve is exclusively providing the video-on-demand for 'The Untamed,' I subscribed to Wavve right away," Jeong said. "Most of the 'The Untamed' fans from teenagers to 40s watch Wavve."


Based on watching time, “The Untamed” topped the weekly Wavve Asian Drama Chart for 12 weeks from February to May.



Wavve 5月第3周 亚洲电视剧前10榜单,多部中剧上榜

In the Wuxia Chinese Drama Naver Cafe, a Naver online community with more than 110,000 members, it is easy to find conversations such as "Wavve has the most variety of Chinese dramas" and "Netflix doesn't offer many Chinese Dramas, so I'm thinking about changing."

韩国版百度贴吧Naver Cafe的中国武侠剧吧有超过11万名成员,其中很多诸如“Wavve上的中剧资源最丰富”或“网飞上没啥中剧,我打算更换(视频网站)了。”

"We’ve continuously worked with Asian content importers such as AsiaN, KTH, and Channel China,” said a Wavve official. “That’s how we have such a variety in our Chinese drama lineup. Chinese dramas usually have 50 to 100 episodes per series, so they allow viewers to be subscribed for a longer period compared to other content.”


Watcha Play offers 788 Chinese films and 212 Chinese dramas.

Watcha Play则提供788部中国电影及212部中剧。

"More than 70 percent of the content enjoyed by Watcha Play users is based on our content recommendations using big data and AI-based machine learning," a Watcha Play official said. “We are working to improve our algorithm in recommending the user’s best movies and TV shows.”

“超过70% Watcha Play用户所观看的内容是基于我们的内容推荐系统,该系统采用了大数据及人工智能机器学习技术。”一名Watcha Play管理人员介绍说,“我们还在不断改进算法,以向用户推荐最佳的电影及电视节目。”

In addition to Chinese content, Watcha Play also provides Japanese content, with 724 Japanese movies, 260 drama series and 651 TV animations.

除了中文内容之外,Watcha Play还提供724部日本电影、260部日剧以及651部日本动漫。

The content industry is interested in how much Wavve and Watcha Play's strategy can affect Netflix's streaming dominance. Netflix, which boasts powerful original series such as "Kingdom," is growing rapidly every year. According to Wise App, about 3 million Korean Netflix users paid 43.9 billion won ($36.3 million) for Netflix subscriptions last April, a record. Against this dominant global media platform, domestic streaming providers, which lack competitiveness in original material and technology to recommend content, are trying to capture users with Chinese content with a solid fan base.

影视界正在观察Wavve和Watcha Play的此种策略能够在多大程度上改变网飞在流媒体领域上的统治地位,后者因推出大量如“王国”等原创大作,仍在快速发展中。根据Wise应用数据显示,在刚过去的4月,韩国3百多万网飞用户总共支付了创纪录的3630多万美元网飞订阅费用。和这个国际巨头平台相比,韩国当地的视频网站在原创剧集和内容推荐技术上处于劣势,但它们正试图通过提供拥有坚实粉丝基础的中剧来吸引用户。

"Netflix is not in China, so there is not much incentive to secure Chinese contents. Wavve and Watcha Play have taken a strategy to target this area,” Han Sang-woong, a researcher at Eugene Investment & Securities, said.

某证券机构研究院称:“网飞并未在中国运营,因此对提供中文内容兴趣不大,而Wavve和Watcha Play现在的策略就是攻占这一领域。”
