Oxford Reading Tree牛津阅读树(简称牛津树)是全球范围内最为经典的英文分级阅读体系,在全球130多个国家风行30多年!其内容都是围绕Biff、Chip、Kipper及一条小狗Floppy 一家人展开的各种生活情景小故事,简单有趣易懂。牛津树总共分为12个级别,全套共400多册,适合幼儿园到初三阶段的孩子进行持续阅读。

英语老师 Annie从1-3级200多本读物中中精选了100本(适合学前班到三年级的孩子),期望在2018年1月至11月的300天内, 和你一起来挑战这个“小目标”哦!

(更多内容— 小蜜蜂课表小程序)

The Big Red Bus

Kipper got on the bus.

It was the big, red bus.

The big, red bus set off.

He went to dinosaur land.

It had a lot of dinosaurs.

He went to monster land.

It had a lot of monster.

Kipper got off the bus.

英文绘本阅读第五阶 跟Annie老师读牛津阅读树分级绘本-The(1)
