

One day a hare was making fun of a tortoise for being so slow."You think I am slow?"said the tortoise,"Let's run a race,and I bet that I will win.""Oh,really?"answered the hare."Let's try and see."Soon the hare and the tortoise agreed that the fox would be the judge for their race.

On race day both the hare and the tortoise met the fox at the starting line.Both started off together.

Soon the hare was far ahead of the slow tortoise.The hare thought she could stop and take a rest.She found some nice,comfortable grass to rest in and was soon in a deep sleep.Meanwhile the tortoise kept going and going.He was slow,but he never stopped.After a nice long sleep the hare woke up.But there was a problem!She slept for too long.She jumped up and ran as fast as she could,but it was too late.The tortoise had already crossed the finishline.

Slow and steady wins the race.稳扎稳打,步步为营,才能赢得比赛。


