With the recent influx of engagement-shaped signs—a Harry-centric Vanity Fair cover, a handful of public appearances, and a tea-meeting with the Queen—most people were anticipating an engagement announcement for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry any day now.最近,梅根现身《名利场》封面大谈特谈哈里王子,还有一些他们的公开露面,以及梅根和女王的茶话会等新闻的涌现,很多人都在期待哈里王子和梅根会在某一天宣布订婚消息。
While some people bandied around November as the month, sights were set on December being the time to drop the news (it is engagement season, after all).虽然一些人散布消息说他们将在11月份订婚,但是现在很多人将目光锁定在12月份发布消息(毕竟,12月份是订婚的季节)
But "one source with excellent contacts in the palace" is hinting that the cork might have to stay stoppered for the time being, as the announcement could be as far away as April.但是根据某不知名人士,但和王室有着联系的人表示,哈里王子和梅根宣布订婚这件事情马上就要发生了,只不过宣布订婚的消息将在明年四月,实在距今实在远的很。
An unnamed royal source has told The Daily Beast that the couple are planning to hold off on their news until April, because they don’t want to overshadow Kate Middleton's incoming royal baby number 3.一个匿名的王室内部人士告知《美丽野兽》:这对夫妇计划将隐藏他们的消息,一直到4月份。因为他们不想使凯特·米德尔顿迎接皇家第三个宝贝的事情被掩盖。
“There won't be any announcement until at least after Kate has had her baby in April,” the source told the publication. Previously, royal-watchers had speculated that the wedding would most certainly take place post-baby. 这位人士告诉公众说“他们不会公布订婚的消息直到凯特在四月份生出自己的小宝贝。”目前,皇家观察员推测婚礼一定会在生小孩之后举行。