
动名词可以是一个句子的主语:"Swimming is good for you.";也可以是句子的宾语:"I don't like swimming."




在诸如 enjoy、admit、appreciate、can't stand/help/bear、deny、avoid、mind、understand、consider、finish、imagine和resent 等动词后,使用动词的ing形式。

例如,"I can't stand doing nothing",或 "She denied breaking the copier"。


和 from或to 一起用的动词

Prevent/stop someone from doing: “He prevented her from leaving.”

Look forward to doing: “We look forward to hearing from you soon.”

Object to doing: “Does anyone object to me smoking?”

Get used to doing: “It took him a long time to get used to living in a city.”

Prefer something to doing something else: “I prefer cooking to doing the dishes.”


Before going out he turned off the heating.”

“I’m tired of arguing.”

“These are used for cracking walnuts.”

“I passed the exam by remembering the equations.”

在一些固定的表达式中一些动词既可以用 to do 也可以用 动词ing 形式

当使用动词原型时,你看到或听到了完整的动作。例如,”I heard him tell you about the letter.”当使用动词ing形式时,你只看到或听到一部分动作。例如,“I saw her drinking a coffee in the bar.”

如果这些动词后跟动词ing形式,它谈论的是之前发生的事。 “I remember coming here as a child” —— 我已经不再是个小孩,但我记得之前来过的时光。

“I regret not studying.” (我过去没有好好学习,现在后悔了。)


“Please remember to turn off the lights.” (晚些时候别忘了关灯。)

“I regret to inform you that…” (我正要告诉你一些不好的消息..)

“I want to stop smoking.” (我想戒掉这个习惯。)

“She stopped to sit down.” (她停下了脚步,以便坐下来休息一会。)

Try 动词ing = 进行一些尝试。

Try reading something in English every day.” (这项尝试的结果可能会让你惊讶!)

Try to do = try hard to do something,即非常努力地做某事.

“Please try to be quiet when you come in.” (请尽力。)

文章译自: https://www.english-at-home.com/grammar/how-to-use-gerunds/
