

Jack and the Stalk  The stalk had spontaneously sprouted up into the sky with the first water that was sprinkled on it. After the first spy sent to climb it returned back down with a stagger before falling down dead, however, the squadron of adventures was now more hesitant to climb. They were stallin but someone would have to climb it again. Only small Jack stepped forward. When his spouse squeaked her surprise Jack didn’t even turn. He just stammered that he would climb the stalk and report back to the squad as soon as he could. And so he left while the others turned on the spotlight to allow him to see his way back if he had to return in the evening.  Jack climbed the lower part of the stalk like it was a staircase. As he got higher he jumped and climbed as if he were a squirrel. Once he almost missed a branch and had to swing his arms wildly before he could stabilize his body. Then he squatted down to rest. After he began to climb again everyone lost sight of him as he was too far away.  Hours later Jack came flying down the stalk yelling for everyone to cut it down. When they saw the Giant coming after Jack from above, they obeyed and started stabbing and chopping the stalk. After Jack was on the ground they finished chopping and ran to the sides. They looked up to see the Giant lose the stability of the stalk and fall to the ground. When he landed, several adventurers barely missed being squashed. As they all stood looking in awe Jack pulled a strange goose and a golden harp out of his jacket.


杰克和茎  只了一次水,便自然地迅速长到天上去了。第一个被派去爬茎的间谍回到地面时一个踉跄倒地死了,之后这冒险者就更加犹豫不敢再爬了。他们拖延着,但总得有人再爬上去。只有小个子杰克站了出来。他的配偶惊得短促地尖叫起来,杰克甚至都没有转过身来,他只是结结巴巴地说他想爬到上去并尽快回来向小队报告。就这样他走了,其他人打开聚光灯让他看清回来的路,万一他得晚上回来。  杰克爬的下半部分时感觉像是爬楼梯。爬到高一点的地方时他又跳又爬,就好象是只松鼠。有一下他差点没抓住一根分枝,他得使劲摆手臂以稳定自己的身体,然后他下来休息。等他再开始爬的时候,大家都看不见他了,因为他已经爬得太高了。  几个小时之后,杰克从上飞着跑下来,叫喊着要大家快把茎砍倒。他们看见巨人正从上面追着杰克,所以听了他的话,开始对又砍。等杰克回到地上,他们砍完并向四面八方跑掉了。他们抬头一看,发现巨人在上失去稳定并掉在了地上。在他落地的时候,几个冒险者差点没被压碎。他们站在那里敬畏地看着,杰克从他的夹克里掏出一只奇怪的鹅和一支金色的竖琴。







Jack and the Stalk  The stalk had spontaneously sprouted up into the sky with the first water that was sprinkled on it. After the first spy sent to climb it returned back down with a stagger before falling down dead, however, the squadron of adventures was now more hesitant to climb. They were stallin but someone would have to climb it again. Only small Jack stepped forward. When his spouse squeaked her surprise Jack didn’t even turn. He just stammered that he would climb the stalk and report back to the squad as soon as he could. And so he left while the others turned on the spotlight to allow him to see his way back if he had to return in the evening.  Jack climbed the lower part of the stalk like it was a staircase. As he got higher he jumped and climbed as if he were a squirrel. Once he almost missed a branch and had to swing his arms wildly before he could stabilize his body. Then he squatted down to rest. After he began to climb again everyone lost sight of him as he was too far away.  Hours later Jack came flying down the stalk yelling for everyone to cut it down. When they saw the Giant coming after Jack from above, they obeyed and started stabbing and chopping the stalk. After Jack was on the ground they finished chopping and ran to the sides. They looked up to see the Giant lose the stability of the stalk and fall to the ground. When he landed, several adventurers barely missed being squashed. As they all stood looking in awe Jack pulled a strange goose and a golden harp out of his jacket.

