you will never truly know Paris, there will be something new to seesomething you never knew existed before.,我来为大家科普一下关于英汉互译的方法?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



you will never truly know Paris, there will be something new to seesomething you never knew existed before.

每次周日去市场,看到琳琅满目、鲜嫩诱人的瓜果蔬菜和应有尽有的乳制品,我都心情舒畅。每次和门厅里的人道声早安,我都倍感温暖。每次外出一天,回到家中看到窗外恒久美好的城市风光,我都心绪宁静。(The newly added subject: 我)生活在巴黎是那么的特别,你会慢慢发现那些游人体会不到的妙处。(“Living in Paris" has been translated as the subject of the sentence.)然而,你将发现你永远不可能真正地了解巴黎,这里有太多你从未见过甚至从未知晓的事物,不过,这个发现也足以让人雀跃不已。

1 在去国外学校之前,你要搞清楚在哪里能找到住宿的地方,如何在网上注册课程等诸如此类的问题。(wh- to do)

Before leaving for a foreign school, you should figure out such issues as where to find accommodation, and how to register the courses online.

2几乎在纽约的每一天我都对这个城市有新的了解。我总能找到新的街区去探索、新的小餐馆去坐坐、新的画廊去看看。(noun to do)

Almost every day in New York, I would open a new chapter of the city: new neighborhoods to explore, new cafes to sit in, and new galleries to visit.

3读书是为了了解世界,而旅行是为了体验生活。(to do; be to do)

To read is to get to know about the world, but to travel is to experience life.


is needed for sb. to do)

Besides economic and technological strength, cultural strength is also needed for human beings to cope with common challenges and head toward a bright future.


In 1935,Qian Xuesen travelled across the ocean and started his journey to study in the United States. His teachers and classmates were deeply impressed by his diligence and talents. In his first year at the California Institute of Technology, Qian Xuesen collected all the literature he could find on aeronautics and spent about an average of ten hours a day reading it carefully.Qian rarely stopped to chat with his classmates on campus,but was quite active in class and asked various complex questions. His talent for applied mathematics presented him the opportunity to work as a research assistant for his mentor. This experience of studying abroad laid a solid foundation for Qian’s scientific research in the future.