婚礼服务合同(中英文对照)CONTRACT OF WEDDING SERVICE,我来为大家科普一下关于婚礼清单英文 婚礼服务合同中英文对照?以下内容希望对你有帮助!

婚礼清单英文 婚礼服务合同中英文对照

婚礼清单英文 婚礼服务合同中英文对照






Article 1. Service Content


Article 2. Commencing time of wedding ceremony


Article 3. Place of wedding ceremony


Article 4. Wedding services items


Article 5. Service fees and payment


Article 6. Main rights and obligations of parties


Article 7. Parties’ main liabilities for breach


Article 8. Rescission of contract


Article. Force majeure


Article 10 Dispute settlement


Article 11 Miscellaneous



Article 6. Main rights and obligations of parties




Party A shall actively cooperate with Party B to complete the services specified in the contract.

All services provided by Party B and the various products used in the services shall comply with the requirements stipulated by relevant state’s regulations or relevant industry codes.

Party B shall maintain the confidentiality of the privacy of Party A learned as a result of the signing and performance of this contract.

□ 策划服务 □ Planning services


(1) The planning schedule, as the result of Party B's intellectual work, shall only be used within the scope of this contract by Party A which shall not use for purposes other than those specified herein or submitted to a third party for use.

(2)乙方应于 年 月 日前向甲方提交策划方案;策划方案经验收合格,甲方应予以签字确认。

(2) The planning schedule should, prior to ___ day ___ month ____ year, be submitted by Party B to Party A which should, upon acceptance thereof, sign for confirmation thereof.

□ 主持服务

□ Hosting service


(1) Party B shall, pursuant to Party A's needs, make dispatch the hosts for Party A to choose therefrom.


(2) On the day of the wedding ceremony, where the hosts designated by Party A is unable to officiate in person due to illness or other unavoidable reasons, Party B shall without delay dispatch an host of the same level or above to do the service on its behalf.

□ 婚车服务

□ Wedding Car Service


(1) Party B shall, in accordance with Party A's demand, recommend the car rental enterprises that comply with the regulations on car business for the wedding car rental services.


(2) Party A shall, on its own, negotiate the contract with the car rental enterprise recommended by Party B.

□ 代租婚车服务

□Service of agent for rental wedding car


(1) Party B shall ensure the wedding car complies with the requirements of the Code of Practice for Car Rental Business (DB11/T475-2007).


(2) Party B shall ensure one qualified driver for each wedding car.


(3) The rental service fee is the remuneration receivable by Party B for providing the wedding car rental service.


The fee of wedding car rental is the wedding car rental fee payable by Party A, including vehicle usage fee, fuel fee, driver service fee, other fees such as parking fee, bridge fee and other charges which should be paid separately by Party A.


(4) Party A shall not require the driver of the wedding car to violate the traffic laws and regulations.

□ 化妆服务 □ Beauty Service


(1) Party B shall provide a trial beauty service as Party A's requirements in order to confirm the specific candidate for the beauty artist and to test whether the person to be beauty for any allergic reactions. In case of allergic reactions due to beauty, a change of cosmetics shall be allowed, if the skin still cannot adapt, Party A may cancel this service; if none of the beauty artists provided by Party B are satisfied, Party A may also cancel this service.


(2) Once the choice of beauty artist and the cosmetics to be used have been confirmed, neither party may change the same at will.

□ 摄像服务 □ 摄影服务

□ Camera Services □ Photo Services


(1) Party A shall notify Party B one day in advance of any change of shooting time.


(2) Party A shall provide the flow of the event and indicate the necessary scenes prior to filming.


(3) Party B shall provide the video camera, photographer and equipment for the wedding ceremony in accordance with the agreement.


(4) Except for the right of authorship, Party B may only, with the written consent of Party A, reserve other rights in the copyright of the photographic and video works.


(5) Provided that Party B retain any original image files or copies, shall keep the same in the safe place and not make available to third parties.


Article 7. Parties’ main liabilities for breach

1、因自身原因,一方于婚礼仪式14日之前(不含14日)要求取消具体服务项目的,应以该项目服务费的 %作为违约金;于婚礼仪式7日之前(不含7日)要求取消具体服务项目的,应以该项目服务费的 %作为违约金;于婚礼仪式7日之内要求取消具体服务项目的,应以该项目服务费的 %作为违约金。

1. Any party which requests the cancellation of a specific service item due to its own reasons, prior to the 14th day of the wedding ceremony (excluding the 14th day) shall be charged % of the service fee for that item as liquidated damages. Where the cancellation of the specific service item is required prior to the 7th day of the wedding ceremony (excluding the 7th day) shall be charged % of the service fee for that item as liquidated damages; and where the cancellation of the specific service item is required within the 7th day of the wedding ceremony shall be charged % of the service fee for that item as liquidated damages.

2、除本合同另有约定外,由于甲方原因导致合同不能按照约定履行的,由甲方自行承担相应责任,并应支付乙方实际支出的费用;由于乙方原因导致提供的服务不符合约定要求的,乙方应退还该项服务费,并按该项服务费的 %支付违约金。

2. Unless otherwise stated in this contract, where the contract cannot be performed as agreed due to Party A, Party A shall undertake the corresponding responsibility in addition to pay the actual expenses incurred by Party B; where the services provided are unsatisfied to the agreed requirements due to Party B, Party B shall refund the service fee in addition to pay the liquidated damages at the rate of % of the service fee.


3. Any party which, due to its reason, injury or make property damage to the other party or a third party shall be liable for compensation therefrom.

□ 代租婚车服务违约责任

□ Breach liability for rental wedding car service


(1) Where the services of wedding car fails to be provide as agreed, Party B shall, in addition to without delay notifying Party A and providing the agreed standby car, also refund the differential wedding car rental fee.

(2)实际婚车低于约定级别的,乙方应支付相应租赁费用的 %作为违约金。

(2) where the level of the wedding car actual used is lower than the agreed level, Party B shall pay

% of the corresponding rental fee as liquidated damages.

(3)实际婚车数量少于约定的,乙方应退还代租服务费和相应的租赁费用,并支付相应租赁费用的 %作为违约金。

(3) Where the actual number of wedding cars is less than agreed, Party B shall refund the service fee and the corresponding rental fee in addition to pay % of the corresponding rental fee as liquidated damages.

(4)婚车未在约定时间内到达起始地点超过 分钟以上的,乙方应支付相应租赁费用的

%作为违约金。由于乙方原因导致婚车未在约定时间内到达婚礼仪式举行地点超过 分钟以上的,乙方应支付相应租赁费用的 %作为违约金。

(4) If the wedding car does not arrive at the starting place within the agreed time for more than

minutes, Party B shall pay the corresponding rental fee of % as liquidated damages. Where failure, due to Party B, of the wedding car to arrive at the venue of the wedding ceremony within the agreed time for more than minutes, Party B shall pay % of the corresponding rental fee as liquidated damages.


(5) Where the wedding car is damaged or violates traffic regulations due to Party A’s reason, vehicle repair fees, fines and other related costs shall be borne by Party A.

(1)摄影、摄像师无法按约定时间提供摄影、摄像服务的,经甲方同意,乙方应及时安排职业等级或技术水平相当的其他摄影、摄像师;乙方未做出替换安排或甲方不同意替换安排的,乙方应按该项服务费用的 倍支付违约金。

(1) Where the photographer or videographer is unable, at the agreed time, to provide the services of photography or videography, Party B shall, with Party A's consent, without any delay, dispatch

another photographer or videographer of comparable professional grade or technical level. If Party B fails to make a replacement arrangement or the replacement arrangement fail to be accepted by Party A, Party B shall pay liquidated damages at the rate of double the cost of that service.

(2)由于乙方原因导致照片、影像全部或部分灭失的,乙方应退还相应服务费用,并按相应服务费用的 倍支付违约金。

(2) Where the photographs or images are lost in whole or in part due to Party B’s reason, Party B shall refund the corresponding service fee and pay liquidated damages at the rate of double the corresponding service fee.

(3)乙方交付的拍摄成品中缺少约定必拍场景的,应按每个场景 元的标准支付违约金。

(3) Where absence of the agreed mandatory scenes in the finished product delivered by Party B, the liquidated damages shall be paid at the rate of RMB per scene.

(4)乙方交付的拍摄成品质量不符合约定要求的,应按 的标准支付违约金。

(4) Where failure of the quality of the finished product delivered by Party B to meet the agreed requirements, the liquidated damages shall be paid at the standard rate of .
