关于是室内种花好还是室外种花好,考生结合自己的经历来说即可。送花的场合很多,比如探望病人(visit a patient in hospital),情人节送给恋人(give flowers to girlfriend as a symbol of love especially on Valentine’s Day), 母亲节送给妈妈(give flowers to mum on Mother’s Day),抑或是向帮助你的人表示谢意,向去世的人表示敬意(express thanks to someone who has helped you or to someone who passed away as an honour)。
Q1:Do you like flowers? [Why/Why not?]
I am quite fond of flowers due to the fact that there are a large range of pretty species. Furthermore, flowers are gorgeous and add colour to our lives, which can allow us to have an optimistic state of mind. My favourite flowers are roses, carnations and lilies due to their ability to add spice and flavour to my life.
be fond of 喜欢
gorgeous [ˈɡɔːdʒəs] adj. 美丽的
add colour to add spice and flavour to 调剂(生活)
carnation [kɑːˈneɪʃn] n. 康乃馨
lily [ˈlɪli] n. 百合花(复数lilies)
Q2:Which do you think is better, to grow flowers indoors or outdoors? [Why?]
In my opinion, it is more suitable to grow flowers outdoors since there is more space for a gorgeous garden. The flowers can receive natural sunlight and water from rain if they are placed outdoors. If they are outside, they can also be appreciated by others and contribute to a more beautiful and healthier environment.
Q3: Do flowers have special meanings in your country?
There are a few flowers that hold special cultural and historical significance in China. The lotus flower in Chinese culture symbolises purity of the heart and mind. The chrysanthemum represents intellectual accomplishments and longevity of life, attracting good luck in the home. The peony is the national flower of China and it signifies richness, beauty, honour and high social status.
lotus [ˈləʊtəs] n. 莲花
symbolise [ˈsɪmbəlaɪz] vt. 象征
chrysanthemum [krɪˈsænθəməm] n. 菊花
intellectual [ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl] adj. 智力的
peony [ˈpiːəni] n. 牡丹
social status 社会地位