大家好,欢迎来的饼哥英语的频道,今天我们分享一个非常有用且地道的表达——go to bed with the sun, 这个短语的含义是:
go to bed with the sun 日落而息(指睡觉很早,在太阳落山前后)Mom goes to bed with the sun, so we can definitely sneak out and go to the party.
The farmhands all seem to go to bed with the sun.
The children had to go to bed with the sun. The grown-ups stayed up a little later.
孩子们要日落而息。大人们熬得更晚一些。My grandparents like to go to bed with the sun. They want to lead a healthy life.
Do you want to go to bed with the sun? I have to admit that I can't sleep at such an early time.