简单但容易上口的英语小故事,无论是做听力教材还是做阅读文章抑或是作为朗读素材,都是很好的选择——这类小文章可以帮助孩子磨耳朵的同时,还能帮助孩子在短小的文章篇幅里找到语感本篇文章为大家推荐的是三篇内容风格不同的中英文对照的练习素材小文章,我来为大家科普一下关于比较有意思的儿童英语故事 少儿英语3个英文小故事?以下内容希望对你有帮助!

比较有意思的儿童英语故事 少儿英语3个英文小故事

比较有意思的儿童英语故事 少儿英语3个英文小故事




[A world for Jimmy & Jill]- Ice cream van !


After school, Jill and Jimmy were on the way home. Suddenly, Jimmy saw something and cried to her sister Jill.

Jimmy: Look, Jill! It’s ice-cream van.

(The next moment Jimmy ran like crazy towards the van, which is 100 meters away from him. )

Jill: Hold on. It’s dangerous for children like your age to run across the street like a bat out of hell (=very quickly). You are not allowed to do as you like.

Jimmy: Don't you remember all my likes and dislikes? Ice cream is one of my favourite. How can I let it go when it is less than 100 meters away from me?

Jill: I know you are fond of eating ice creams, chocolates and candies. But you should be aware of your safety.

Jimmy: It’s not like you to refuse buying an ice cream for your little catlike (如猫咪一般可爱的) brother.

Jill: Because you feel like getting fatter with more ice creams.

Jimmy: I’m going to feel like crying now. There’s nothing like (=there’s nothing better than没有比…更好) a chocolate ice cream, whatever dovelike, foxlike or bowl-like. It’s a piece of cake for you to buy me one, like a hot knife through butter.

Jill: One condition. Can you and Albert get on well like a house on fire as before (=get along well with 与人相处良好)?

Jimmy: Of course I can.

(Jill gave one dollar to Jimmy)

Jimmy: My dear sister, you did it like a dream!

(Then Jimmy turned around and went towards the van. Then one minute later, a loud voice spoken like a bull at a gate came to Jill.)

“Jill…” it’s Jimmy, who came back with nothing in hand and spoke in a sobbing tone. “There’s no ice cream left.” Upon saying it, little Jimmy could not help crying with his face buried in Jill's arms.

List of Like:

Run like crazy 发疯似的跑

E.g. He runs like crazy. 他发疯了一样跑。

Like a bat out of hell 飞快地,快速地

He runs like a bat out of hell. 他飞快地跑。

Do as one likes 高兴怎样就怎样

He runs in a way as he likes. 他以他喜欢的方式跑步。

One’s likes and dislikes 喜爱与厌恶

One of his like is running. 他其中一个喜好是跑步。

Like a hot knife through butter非常容易地,易如反掌地

He can run fast like a hot knife through butter. 他可以跑的很快,这对他来说易如反掌。

Like a dream 正如人们所希望的那样

He runs faster and faster like a dream. 如人们希望的那样,他越跑越快。

Like a house on fire (相处得)极好地

He is able to get on well with his classmates like a house on fire. 他可以与同学们友好相处。

Like a bull at a gate [口语]凶猛地;狂怒地

He should not speak like a bull at a gate. 他不应该凶巴巴地说话。


Shut, shut, shut

Some people say this is a sad story, but you can learn a lot practically, others say it's a common family story, not really sad, but that those who read the story can learn well of the word "shut".


“Bang” The door shuts.

You shut yourself off, shut your parents out of the bedroom, but you cannot shut out your thoughts or feelings.

You were too sad to say a word. You just want silence only.

“Does it work that you shut yourself in the room?”

“I can’t figure out why you keep shutting our faces.”

“Why you shut door on other possible plans? Why you keep getting shut of everything when difficulties come to you?"

" Why don't you turn to us rather than shut your dear father and mother out of your matters? Tell me!” Father cried.

“Then why you can't shut your eyes to my matters? Is it difficult to keep your trap shut? Just shut up, please.” Answered the child.

A long terrible silence came over both inside and outside the bedroom.

“If you really want me to keep my mouth shut, I will. If you just want to shut yourself away, it's fine… I hope it may not last long. Come to us at dinner time, ok?” Mother said with discreet.

Silence made the answer.

Father did shut his mouth, and even shut up his store that afternoon
















Sent to school or to prison?


I got into a fight yesterday, and it’s common to me. I just protect myself in my way for all that could help me were gone. Compared with the past fights, a little difference was that I was hurt badly, so I had to send for the doctor.

**Send for sb. = send sb. a message asking them to come and see you 上门(服务)

例如send for doctor (请医生上门就诊), send for dentist(请牙医上门会诊), send for tutor(请家教上门辅导), send for friends(请朋友上门见面)。

**Send for sth. (请人把东西送上门,把需要的东西直接放在for后面)

例如 send for piano 请把钢琴寄给我


However, things got worse-- -- I was sent down for the fight, and was nearly sent to prison.

**send down (for) (因......)被退学(尤指高等院校)

Send to prison 进入监狱,身陷囹圄


It shocked me a lot. I wanted to get shut of the prison. It was a horrible place. I thought and thought, and realized for good that I was wrong. It was hard for me to get back to campus at present; therefore, I decided to send in a CV and a covering letter for a job.

Day after day, I worked hard, harder and harder to live a life. Until one day, I sent out letters to all teachers that ever taught me. I hoped they can help me back to college.

** send in 比赛申请/求职信 申请。。。。。。

Send out (同时给许多人)寄信

** 还记得之前学的get shut of(=get rid of拜托)和for good(=finally)吗?


On the day I came back the college, I saw the gardenia in the classroom sent out shoots. It seemed like me. I grew as it grew.

** send out除了发出信号(send out signal)、寄出信件(send out letters)之外,还有“生长、发芽”的意思。原文是指“教室里的栀子花长出枝芽了(尤指侧枝、副梢)”。

You are sent to...?

