
Today, there are nearly 60,000 Foreign-Invested Enterprises in Shanghai, which contribute more than a quarter of the city’s GDP, 1/3 of its tax revenue, and about 2/3 of the city’s total foreign trade volume. Furthermore, according to the municipal science and technology commission, which oversees the issuing of foreigner work permits, the number of foreigners working in Shanghai reached 215,000 last year, topping all cities on the Chinese mainland. So, how to make Foreign exchange more convenient for foreigners? In this article, we’ll explain how to use the “Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange”.

如今,上海有近6万家外商投资企业,占上海 GDP 的四分之一以上,税收的三分之一,外贸总额的三分之二左右。此外,据负责监督外国人工作许可证发放的上海市科学技术委员会称,去年在上海工作的外国人达到21.5万人,位居中国大陆所有城市之首。那么,如何让外国人更方便地进行外汇兑换呢?在这篇文章中,我们将解释如何使用“外国人才薪酬外汇快速通行证”。

The New Fast Pass Policy about Foreign Exchange money in Pudong


On December 24, 2020, the New Fast Pass Policy was announced at the Shanghai Global Talents Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summit, which is one of the important talent policies to support Shanghai Pudong’s high-level opening up. In accordance with the policy, Shanghai became the first city in Mainland China that simplifies currency exchange services for foreigners.


With the “Fast Pass”, foreigners can purchase foreign exchange at all banks in Shanghai without further verification for an unlimited number of times as long as the total purchases don’t exceed their legal income.


The State Administration of Foreign Exchange’s Shanghai branch said the policy will be gradually rolled out across the city, and it will direct banks to develop related e-banking functions.


Basic “Fast Pass” on Foreign Exchange Condition


How to use the “Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange”


The Fast Pass form application


Firstly, you can download the Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange Form and fill in the content of the form with signature and company stamps.

首先,您可以下载《外国人才薪酬快速通行证外汇表》 ,并在表格内填写签名和公司印章。

Secondly, you can go to the Shanghai Pudong New Area Talent Exchange Center to submit the “Fast Pass” form, then it will be put on record.




So many Policy benefits around the Foreign Invested Enterprises mushroomed booming. Further, an increasing number of expats will have more and more benefits from the government. So, why not set up a company in Pudong to exchange the money earlier.

