原创 David Childree | Harbinger传言公社


[David Childree]







NO1. 模拟真实赛场 Real Tournament Simulation

First, debating in THE REAL ROUND SETTING challenges you in ways that other preparation cannot and does not. When hearing a new idea for the first time, within the time limits of debate speeches and crossfires, with opponents, sometimes you are forced to think on your feet and immediately come up with something to say against that idea. It is in these moments, that many GREAT ideas are born.

CLASH and SURPRISE can give birth to GREAT ideas that otherwise would not have popped into your mind. These ideas are often NOT ideas that your research found initially but can be made even GREATER if you then research them and develop and prepare them. The BIRTH of these great (and sometimes creative and unusual) ideas often ONLY happens in the real experience of a round. Many of my best ideas on various debate topics have been born in the heat of the moment, in some unexpected situation, in a practice debate round.

Rounds will force you to manage and budget your time more wisely, and help you learn how to do that better in the process. When you make mistakes about how you divided your time in speeches, in prep time, and in crossfires, you learn from those mistakes. The more practice rounds you have, the more mistakes you make, and lessons you learn, in PRACTICE rounds, instead of in TOURNAMENT rounds.

MISTAKES cost you NOTHING in practice rounds, but in tournaments, they could mean you lose the round, or don’t break. That way the TOURNAMENT ROUNDS happen AFTER you have learned from all of those practice rounds’ mistakes and experiences. (That being said, no matter what you do, you will always learn a LOT from tournament rounds, judges, and experiences, so, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you go to EVERY tournament that you GET A CHANCE to compete in.)

No.2 改进演讲稿 Improve Speech

Use an additional color on your flow to improve your rebuttal, summary, and final focus, and regive those speeches, practicing time management, and becoming familiar with how to say those arguments. Add evidence and weighing, group ideas better, reorganize your thoughts, and include things you forgot to mention but wish you had. Record your speeches, and relisten to them to see if you are satisfied. Regive them multiple times for maximum improvement.

a. REBUTTAL. I suggest 15-30 minutes spent researching and improving the rebuttal that happened during the round. Then regive the rebuttal out loud a few times until it feels natural and automatic, and your time management and your delivery are good.

b. SUMMARY AND FINAL FOCUS. I suggest an additional 10-15 minutes spent on improving the summary and final. Did you use weighing? Did you group arguments together? Did all of your arguments fall into clear themes, easy for the judge to understand and follow? Did you highlight your strengths and your opponents’ weaknesses? Were the same issues in both speeches? How could you improve? Add improvements, and then regive the summary and final focus out loud a few times until it feels natural and automatic, and your time management and your delivery are good.

c. CROSSFIRE QUESTIONS. Look at your flow and think more about what would have been the best crossfire questions to ask (A) after cases were read, (B) after rebuttals, and (C) after summaries.

The best part about this is that those preparations can be reused again in future debate rounds because the prep and thought and strategy on those arguments is already done!

No.3 赛后复盘 Review after Rounds

Third, more PLANNING AND RESEARCH suggestions for improvement directly AFTER a practice round:

1. Ask the judge/coach extra questions about your strengths and weaknesses in the round, about how to respond better to specific challenges, difficult arguments, strategies the opponents used, or other things we're unsure of.

2. Talk with your partner about what each of you did well, and what each of you should work on and improve. Make a list of these, and make those improvements happen, with extra practice, extra research, etc.

3. Look up evidence the opponents used that you don’t already have.

a. Find flaws in it, to attack it better in the future.

b. Find what’s good about it, so you can use it in the future if it is not flawed.

4. Look up other new evidence that would have been nice to have in that round, to make your rebuttal responses better.

These efforts will help you in huge ways. This approach will boost your abilities to have smoother, better rebuttals and speeches, to have better crossfires, and to manage your speaking time. It will help you learn more evidence, find more flaws in arguments, and LEARN MORE AND BE CAPABLE OF MORE.

No.4 搭档磨合 Partnership

Fourth, PARTNERSHIPS. Debate partners work together and work towards the same goals, and extra practice rounds help you GET TO KNOW YOUR PARTNER BETTER and help you and your partner DEVELOP BETTER TEAMWORK together.

Your debate partner is your DANCE PARTNER. You move together, you support each other, when one of you makes a mistake the other one compensates to correct it, and it’s important that you understand how each other thinks. In a tournament, you DEPEND ON your partner and they depend on you.

BE A TEAM, and INVEST TIME in BECOMING a better team. Teammates that spend more time together and practice more together, will DEBATE BETTER TOGETHER!

总结 Conclusion




传言公开课 Harbinger Lecture

传言公开课Harbinger Lecture是继“传言开讲Harbinger Talk”之后推出的又一系列活动。


