

"The Book of Creation Teen Tick"


Summary of the story: After Pangu created the world, his heart turned into a book of creation and disappeared in the mountains. After several trillion years, a small village called Najia suddenly shook, rocks flew up, and along with the flying stones, a ray of light shot straight to Tick's house, and then the baby's voice was heard from the house. Crying, but unfortunately, the child's father wanted to throw more stones for milk money, but was hit on the head by the sudden flying stone and fell in a pool of blood, leaving the world forever. The wizard in this village named the child Tick. When the wizard held a blessing ceremony for Tick, he discovered the imprint of the Book of Creation in Tick's left hand. From then on, Tick was also responsible for saving the people, but he had to open the door to the void. Restoring the power to reboot the universe....



Part 6 Nine-layer Nima Dui


When the Nine Heaven Wheel rushed out of Tike Baihui Cave, a projection screen appeared in the cave. In a beautiful mountain forest, people dressed in grass and trees, shuttled through the forest to pick wild fruits to satisfy their hunger, and drank the mountain spring water when they were thirsty. The bonfire was lit and danced, and it was clearly visible that there was a beautiful girl in the crowd, with snow-white skin, long hair, a beautiful wreath on her head, wearing clothes woven with fine vines and leaves, and a pair of crystal clear blue eyes. When looking into her eyes, there is a feeling of coolness in the whole body and uneasy feeling. "If I didn't have the previous spiritual practice, I'm afraid I would be taken away by these blue eyes." Tick was thinking in his heart, and found that the girl was not dancing, but standing by the fire and gesturing, and the last two palms Fold them in the same direction and place them in front of their chests, and begin to chant. It is probably said that human beings originated from shamanic tribes. . . .



The text on the projection screen shows that the planet is named Xingxing, 2.9 billion light-years away from the earth, the coordinates are like a snail, and there is a Xingxing logo. (There are pictures)



Then another set of projection images was presented, which was completely different from the previous one. Tick clearly saw that a man who looked very similar to 18th century Europeans was about 30 to 40 years old, with a little disheveled hair, and was concentrating. Baihua Jiedu Decoction is boiled on the ground, and there are strange symbols (with pictures) on the jar of the medicine. This aroused Tick's great interest, and he kept the whole process of boiling the medicine in his mind. This prescription is very helpful for Yu Li's disease.


Baihua Jiedu Decoction Recipe: Kunlun Mountain Snow Chrysanthemum, decoction with Kunlun rootless water, take in the morning and evening.


Kunlun Mountain Snow Chrysanthemum grows in places where no one lives at high altitudes. It must be exposed to frost and frost to obtain better medicinal effects.


This picture is from the Omega planet 480,000 light-years away from the earth. It is a white dwarf star. The coordinates are two concentric circles with the intersection of the crosshairs as the origin, and the Omega planet logo (with picture). After the information transmission was over, Tick felt much more comfortable.


Tick checked the environment in the cave carefully again. He found that the distribution of these starlights was regular, and most of the speed of light shot on a pile of stones. Tick walked into the pile and counted that there were 9 large stones stacked on top of each other. Each stone is engraved with oracle-like figures. Tick looked around the stone pile and felt that it was very similar to the Nima pile in the cultivation secret book given to him by the master, which was used for blessing and sacrifice. Tick looked around and found no exit. Tick muttered to himself: "It seems that the answer lies in this Nima pile." Tick circled around the Nima pile, looked at the words on the stone and then looked at the light spot, in his heart Thinking of finding Yu Li as soon as possible, he inadvertently lowered his head and found a spot of light on the upper of the shoe. He moved his foot away from the spot and the direction of the spot on the ground was his back. Tik excitedly went to Nimadui, where the spot of light appeared. Looking at the opposite side, there was no light spot. Tick quickly ran to the stone wall in the direction of the light spot. Looking left and right, it looked like a stone wall. Tick slapped his hands and disappeared from the hole, and he was in the vast in the universe. Tick is in the best possible pose, flying through the universe.



Tick found Venus, and he quickly turned on the nine-day wheel to cover himself in it. The temperature on Venus was at least a few hundred degrees, and many places were magma from volcanoes. The air was exuding suffocating sulfur dioxide gas, billowing. The magma flows under Tick, like a mythical hell. Tick left here and continued to fly, and found a cave ahead, with many irregular mountains nearby. Tick tried to enter the cave. He felt that the cave was slowly extending downwards. According to his intuition, he had traveled almost 1000 meters. There is no trace of volcanic eruption in the hole, but he can feel the wind that is not detectable by ordinary people. Tick continued to fly forward for about 2,000 meters, and found that a dazzling white light had sucked him in. Tick opened his eyes and found that He was in a beautiful Taoyuan, and when he saw Yu Li walking towards him from the Taoyuan, he immediately put away the nine-day wheel and ran to Yu Li's side, grabbed her hands and said, "Yu Li, are you okay?"


"Brother Tick, I'm fine! What about you? Nothing happened, right?" Yu Li said nervously.


"I'm fine too." After Tick replied, he told about his strange experience after separating from Yuli. The most exciting thing was that he discovered a cure for Yuli's strange disease.


Yu Li happily held Tick's hand all the time. Yu Li talked about what happened after they separated. Yu Li said: "I've been here since we separated. I searched all over the place and couldn't find an exit. There is no one here, but I found a flute under a thick peach tree. ." Yu Li took it out of his pocket and handed it to Tik, and asked, "Brother Tik, look at this one."


Tick took the two-inch-long flute and didn't see anything, and handed it to Yu Li and said, "You put it away first, we'll go back to study, and now we're going to find the way back first, and hurry up to cure your illness. "


"Yeah!" Yu Li replied excitedly.


"Yu Li, take me to the place where you found the flute."


"Brother Tick come with me."


The two quickly came to this big peach tree. Tick looked at the big peach tree with a feeling of not wanting to leave and was charming. Tick quickly noticed its weirdness. Tick closed his eyes and thought quietly, Said: "Yu Li, take out the flute and play it."


"Brother Tick, I can't play the flute."


"You can just blow as long as there is a sound."


Yu Li tried her best and didn't play the flute. Yu Li was very smart and didn't panic. She closed her eyes and calmly adjusted her breathing and put the flute to her mouth. She felt like she was playing the flute in a dream. Peach blossoms all over the ground danced to the sound of the flute. At this time, Tick found that the trunk was beginning to twist, and immediately understood. He picked up Yu Li and walked into the twisted big peach tree. When they opened their eyes, they found that they had actually returned to the ancient gold stone at the entrance of the trial fantasy.

(to be continued)

