
It's all gone. Everything my ex-husband worked for all those years, gone.


work for: 这个词组一般指为某人或某企业工作,效劳,在本段是力争,努力取得的意思,英文解释是 to make efforts to achieve sth. 比如:

We just work for our common interests. 我们只是在为大家的共同利益而努力;


Safeguarding world peace is a global responsibility that any sovereign country should work for. 维护世界和平是任何主权国家都应该为之努力的一项全球责任(sovereign country:主权国家);

Scientist Yuan Longping dedicated his life to working for the development of hybrid rice that have pulled countless people out of hunger. 科学家袁隆平一生致力于努力发展杂交水稻,让无数的人摆脱了饥饿(dedicate: v. 致力,献身; hybrid rice: 杂交水稻; countless: adj. 无数的,数不尽的; hunger: n. 饥饿)。


‘Father of hybrid rice’ Yuan Longping

Don't worry about clothing, I already started a collection from people in the neighborhood.


clothing: n. 服装的总称,这是个集合名词,用来指代一个整体概念,用作不可数名词的单数形式。下面讲一下 clothing, clothes, cloth 这几个词的区别:

clothes 这个单词指的也是衣服,但它是一种对衣服的统称,包括了所有穿在身上的衣物,比如 dress, coat, trousers, socks 等等,都是一种 clothes。这个词没有单数形式,只有复数形式,所以前面不能加 a, the 这类冠词,可以用 some, those, many 这类限定词进行修饰。而 cloth, 一般就单纯指的是衣料,布,是一个不可数名词。

collection: n. 收集,聚集。


What? I don't wanna wear other people's old crap.


crap: n. 质量糟糕的东西,蹩脚货,垃圾。这个词在第一集中的勒奈特篇已经详细讲过,这里不再多讲。

Edie, you can be homeless or you can be ungracious. You really can't afford to be both.



homeless: adj. 无家可归的。来看两个例句:

In America, The covid-19 pandemic has led to thousands of people homeless. 在美国,新冠疫情已经导致了成千上万的人无家可归;

If each homeless soul had a good place to stay. It could be a wonderful world. 如果每个无家可归的灵魂都不用流离失所,这世界将会是多么美好。


Homeless people

ungracious: adj. 没礼貌的,粗野的,没有教养的,尤指以一种不友好,不礼貌,或者粗野的态度对待别人的善意。这里胡博太太针对的是伊蒂对待给她提供衣物的邻居的态度,别人好心好意免费给她提供衣物,她却嫌弃别人在给她垃圾货色。而胡博太太所指的双重打击,却是伊蒂如今既没地方住,又没衣服穿的双重困境。

关于 ungracious,来看两个例句:

I didn’t mean to be so ungracious, all I can say is, I have my reasons. 我不是故意要如此无礼,我只能说,我有我的理由;

Continuing to point fingers at each other is useless, and very ungracious. 继续相互指责是没用的,而且非常不礼貌;

That reminds me. My insurance cheque still hasn't come yet. Can I stay with you for a few more weeks?



remind: v. 提醒,使想起,前面我们已经学习过这个单词,来复习一下:

But she was quickly reminded… that what Carlos couldn’t see, couldn’t hurt her. 但她马上想起来,只要卡洛斯什么都没发现,自然也就伤害不到她。


Let me remind you one last time. 让我最后一次提醒你;

Do I have to remind you of that agreement between us? 我需要提醒你我们之间的那个协议吗?

Please remind me if I forget. 如果我忘了请提醒我一下。



insurance cheque:保险赔偿,因为保险公司的赔偿金一般都是以支票的形式寄给客户,所以这里称之为 insurance cheque。

a few more: 再多一些,后面修饰可数名词,比如各种时间单位或具体可数的事物,比如:

Please give me a few more minutes. 请再给我几分钟时间;

Could the deadline be extended a few more days? 最后期限可以再多宽限几天吗?

We need to consider a few more details before taking action. 在采取行动之前我们需要再考虑一些细节。


