
第1504天© 英语超级写作奶爸,4.1年双语日记记录女儿生活


中英合计:103.5万字 英文41.5万字,中文62.0万字






第1504天 (4.1年) 2022年1月25日 (二)

A Diary for My Yunduo'er ©

Day 1504, Jan 25, 2022 (Tue)




Afraid the truth would strike fear into your heart, mummy said she would take you to a place for fun but in fact you'd go to the hospital for a vaccination against pox. "Is there a sand pit? Sands? Balls? Slides?" you asked mummy. You got an affirmative answer. "What brought you here?" an ayi watching out for visitors' COVID-19 status records on the first floor of the hospital asked you playfully. "Mummy said there's a lot of stuff for fun," you said in a matter-of-fact tone, raising smiles of those around you. "There are also mosquitoes, but mosquito bites do not hurt," the ayi continued.


At the doorstep of the consultation room on the second floor where you'd get the shot, you cottoned on - the writing was on the wall. You must be thinking, "Alas, I've been had." Mummy stopped you in your tracks as you Turned tail, muttering, "It's for shots." "You can tell nainai to handle you more gently," mummy said. "Are we best friends?" that nurse nainai said in a soothing tone. You didn't let out a yelp of cry when the needle was sunk into your arm, though you were all ready to give vent to your savage anger any minute. A glimmer of smile even played across your face when the needle was pulled out. Apparently feeling your bravery befitted your status as a cult hero, you posed for photos.



The writing is on the wall 厄运兆头

Turn tail 转身就跑
