


Huawei Technologies Co said on Thursday that its in-house operating system HarmonyOS will be used in smartphones next year, marking a breakthrough in Chinese companies' efforts to commercialize self-developed operating systems and to build their own globally competitive software ecosystems.华为9月10日宣布,其自有的鸿蒙操作系统明年将用于智能手机,这标志着中国企业在自主操作系统商用以及建立具有全球竞争力的自有软件生态系统方面有了重大突破。



这里的OS是operating system的简写形式,比如苹果的操作系统就是iOS,安卓的操作系统就是Android OS。

HarmonyOS is already used in Huawei's smart TV products. With the upgrade of the system, HarmonyOS will be used in smartwatches, personal computers and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices later.


本次开发者大会上,华为面向全球首发了HMS Core 5.0。

HMS是华为移动服务(Huawei Mobile Services)的简写形式,是华为为其设备生态系统提供的一套应用程序和服务,这是华为构建应用生态的第一步。HMS是华为云服务的合集,包含华为账号、应用内支付、华为推送服务、华为云盘服务、华为广告服务、消息服务、付费下载服务、快应用等服务。

Huawei said the mobile applications integrated with HMS so far have exceeded 96,000. The number of developers of HMS now stands at over 1.8 million.华为表示,在全球180万开发者的支持下,目前已有超过9.6万个应用集成HMS Core。


Huawei has also promised to make HarmonyOS open source, which means anyone can freely examine the system specification to make sure there's no problem.华为同时承诺让鸿蒙操作系统开源,这意味着任何人都可以自由查看系统详情确保运行顺畅。

The code for small Internet of Things (IoT) devices with 128 megabytes or less storage is available now.目前,鸿蒙系统已对128MB以下小型物联网终端设备开源。

The code for larger devices will be freely published in April 2021, and the remaining code will be available for download by October 2021.2021年4月将面向内存更大一些的终端设备开源、2021年10月以后将面向其余设备开源。


research and development (R&D) 研究与开发

consumer business 消费者业务

Internet of Things (IoT) 物联网

in-house/self-developed operating system 自主研发的操作系统

software ecosystem 软件生态


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

