A Rough CIue of Western CuⅠture(2/3 the Renaissance to World War II)

—Learning Western Culture Bit by Bit






The Enlightenment thinkers presented a set of systematic ideas far more profound and integrated than those that emerged during the Renaissance. In respect of knowledge of social development, concepts of state institutions,theory on law and even the involvement in politics of the average citizen,they all offered unique views as a challenge to the traditional ideas of theology and autocracy and, therefore, provided a body of intact theoretical principles for the bourgeois revolution and the later capitalist state. These theories include those of social equality from John Locke and Thomas Hobbes, criticism of Christianity and autocracy by Voltaire and other Enlightenment thinkers, social contract of Rousseau and division of state power by Montesquieu and others. They were perhaps not the first thinkers to touch on these issues, but certainly the first to systematically study and sum up these theoretical principles. These ideas were then employed to establish a powerful ideological foundation for the later bourgeois revolution.The successful spread of scientific knowledge suggested a great progress for human intellect,not just in terms of scientific acquisition, but also in terms of ways of thinking and living.The emancipation of human mind and the beginning of a new way of life was part of the fruitful achievements of Western intellectual development during the Enlightenment.


The victory of the bourgeois revolution not only opened the possibilities for the

bourgeoisie and other people to make fortunes but also created opportunities to expand the capitalist markets overseas. Eventually came the heyday of capitalism and colonialism, which accelerated drastic and all-round changes for modern history. Together with the economic, technological and social developments, there was a prosperous evolvement of Western culture,which went into a rapid growth period as a result of the greater intellectual and academic freedom gained by the newly emerging ruling bourgeoisie.Wave upon wave of intellectual currents strongly lashed out against all outdated conservative ideas of feudal autocracy and divinity. At the same time, new cultural figures, events and tendencies concerning social and natural developments, were coming abundanly to fruition, spreading beyond the national boundaries of leading European cuntries.


Among the most influential trends subsequently identified were such as classicism,realism, romanticism, naturalism,modernism and post-modernism. A large group of intellectual elite came to the fore and helped to change enormously the social and cultural circumstances in areas such as sociology, philosophy, economics, psychology, biology, anthropology, art and literature. This elite included l. Kant, J. G Fichte, Georg Hegel, Ludwig Feuerbach, Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Charles Fourier, Saint Simons,Robert Owen, Jeremy Bentham, John Mill, William James, Karl Marx,Friedrich Engels, Charles Darwin,Auguste Comte,Schopenhauer,Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, Henri Bergson, Einstein, Martin Hidegger and Jean-Paul Sartre. Their theories and ideas have contributed cosiderably to social progress and human understanding of nature and man himself in all the world's great cultures.


The most notable development to come out of these ideological tenets and trends was the modernist movement in art and literature during the early years of the twentieth century. What followed was the creation of a large number of writers and artists keen to experiment and explore a variety of new ideas and techniques in fiction, drama, poetry, painting, sculpture,architecture and music. Clearly they shared a rebellious and critical spirit.The modernist achievements are notable in that they demonstrate human creative power and the continuation of the Western cultural tradition,although these achievements were not necessarily in accord with the traditional cultural beliefs.


