

1.用should 括号内的动词完成下列句子:

She should pass _ the exam. She's been studying very hard. (pass)
You missed a great party last night. You should have come_ (come)
I am in a difficult position. What do you think I __shooul do ? (do)

  1. 用 should 下列动词完成j句子: buy, keep, phone, wait
    ' Shall i leave now?' 'No, I __should wait__ a bit longer.'
    'Shall I throw these things away?' 'No, you _should keep_ them. You may need them.'
    'Shall I go and see Paul?' "Yes, but you _should phone_ him first.'
    'Do you think it's worth repairing this TV set?' 'No, you _should buy_ a new one.'
  2. 根据下列情况,完成对话:
    *-* You are on a bus. You have a seat but an elderly man is standing. You offer hime your seat.
    You: _Would you like to sit down? / Can I offer you a seat?
    Man: Oh, that's very kind of you. Thank you.
    *-* A friend of yours is interested in one of your book. YOu invite hime to borrow it.
    Friend: THis book looks very interesting.
    You: Yes, it's very good. __would you like to borrow it? / ... to read it?


It's turn to learn the new lesson! 我们来上新课----

专题七 --- 《被动语态》

中文里被动语态用“被”字表示,英文里被动的意思用be 动词 动词过去分词代表,主语和宾语要进行替换,并且谓语动词也要作相应的变化。


被动语态用于说明动作的承受者:The house is quite old. It was built in 1930.


THis house was built by my grandfather.

一般现在时:被动语态 am/ is / are done

一般过去时:was / were done

一般将来时:will be done

现在完成时:have / has been done

过去完成时:had been done

现在进行时: am / is / are being done

过去进行时: was / were being done



1) I was born... “我出生...”需要用被动语态,可能老外觉得我们都是被动来到这个世界上的吧。

Where were you born? I was born in Chicago.

2) 有些动词可以有两个宾语时的被动语态

give: 主动句--- We gave the Police the information. (两个宾语分别为: Police, the information)


3) I don't like being...

doing/ seeing 的被动式是 being done/ being seen.

4) get: 使用被动语态可以用get 代替be:

但是,get只用在表示事情的发生及变化。如:Jill is liked by everybody. 不能说gets liked.

get 还可以用在口语中:get married, get dressed (床衣服), get changed (换衣服),但这些在意义上不是被动语态)

5)It is said that / to ...


It is said that he is 90 years old.

以下动词可以用在这个句型中: It is thought / believed / considered / reported / known / expected / understood / supposed.




  1. 用被动语态改写下列句子:
    Somebody has cleaned the room. _____________________________
    THey have postponed the concert. ____________________________
  2. 用括号内的词语造句,有些动词使用主动语态,有些动词是被动形式。
    There's sombody behind us. ( I think/ we/ folow) _____________________
    This room looks different. (you / paint)? ____________________________
    My car has disappeared. ( It / steal) _______________________________




Stick to it, and you will succeed! 只要人有恒,万事都能成!


