


当然,火烧也非常重要。最重要的是要外焦里嫩,但这种外焦里嫩不是油炸出来的那种,也不是面包烤制的那种,而是用一种 特制的炉子烤出来的。火烧刚出炉,白胖胖热腾腾的,即使不夹肉也让人垂涎欲滴。















“Baoding Donkey Burger” on the Tip of the Tongue

Zhang Ruyi Wang Dong

Every time I returned from a business trip, if I had no meal or had no appetite, I always think of the donkey burger first; sometimes even if I was hungry on the way back, I would wait until returning to Baoding to eat donkey burger.

The donkey burger is not expensive, rare or even presentable at feasts, but it would always first come to my mind every time I returned from a business trip or treated out-of-town friends.

Good meat is a prerequisite for donkey burgers. There are different kinds of meat, lean, fat and a mixture, which vary a lot in prices. My favorite is a mixture, that is, lean with a little fat. Such donkey meat is not dry or hard, but soft in mouth. Before chewing, you will find delicious smell fill your mouth and juices flow to the corner of your mouth, so cannot help gobbling it.

Of course, cakes are also very important. Most importantly, they should be baked with a specially made oven to create a crispy crust tender inside, which is different from that of fried cakes or baked bread. cakes just taken out of an oven are plump and steaming, looking appetizing even without meat stuffing.

A donkey burger should be properly stuffed, for it will be greasy with too much meat but not tasty enough without enough meat. An experienced cook will never use scales, but cut an opening in a just baked cake with a knife and then stuff a handful of donkey meat seemingly carelessly. In this way, with meat and the cake in close contact, a round plump donkey burger is made up.

Donkey burgers are food for common people to enjoy without considering manners. People at all social status all need to hold them in hands, biting off a large chunk and chewing it quickly. It seems that they are no longer food but an interest or a hobby. Their steam, smell and chewy taste are just like old Baoding opera, which sometimes sounds sonorous and melodious, while sometimes twists and turns, making you deeply immersed.

When having donkey burgers, you cannot miss a small dish of specially pickled vegetables or chilies, for they are the best partners of donkey burgers. Having some of them together with burgers seems like a sip of wine at a rich feast, which is so enjoyable.

Donkey burgers are different from other fast food. You’d better not have them when feeling lonely or sad, because you may find them tasteless and yourself more upset. You are recommended to enjoy them with your family, friends and loved one. It is because donkey burgers not only mean a kind of food but also contain deep kinship, friendship and love.

Although there are many places where I can eat donkey burger now, and the styles are various, I don’t feel like eating it in other places. To be exact, I disdain to eat it. This is not only due to the self-esteem and pride of a Baoding native, more importantly, Baoding’s donkey burger has a kind of honest, straightforward and stubborn spirit of Baoding people, and what they eat is an old Baoding flavor.

Baoding’s donkey burger is as honest and stubborn as a donkey, and as warm and enthusiastic as fire.

I love you, “Baoding donkey burger”!

Extended reading: The History of “Baoding Donkey Burger”

Although donkey meat is not a common food, it has been a long time since Chinese began to eat donkey meat. There are records about eating donkey meat in Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the Ming Dynasty, a special custom was to have donkey meat on the first day of the lunar year, which was called “Chew Demons”.

As recorded in the Annals of Xushui County, Xushui Donkey Meat became famous as early as the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of Qing Dynasty (1723-1735). Caohe Donkey Burger started in Caohe Town, Xushui County,

Baoding City. It is said that there were two gangs at the Caohe Wharf in the Song Dynasty, namely the Cao Gang and the Salt Gang. The Cao Gang was devoted to grain transport, while the Salt Gang was mainly engaged in salt transport. There was a constant battle between the two sides for dominance of the wharf. Ultimately, the competition ended with Cao Gang’s victory, who celebrated its victory by butchering and boiling the donkeys that had been captured from the Salt Gang. Others served donkey meat in locally made burgers to add flavor. Caohe Donkey Meat has hence been known.

In 2010, as the representative of “China’s ninth largest cuisine” —Hebei cuisine, donkey burger entered the Shanghai World Expo, together with Beijing roast duck and Tianjin “Goubuli” steamed stuffed buns, to entertain tourists from all walks of life.(摘自《保定文化密码:讲述历史文化故事》)

