





This is really a good question. It seems that the U.S. behavior in recent years of stirring up troubles all over the world can no longer be covered up by their words that confuse black and white. More and more people can tear down the mask of U.S. hypocrisy and see how the U.S., a self-serving country, is disrupting the world situation by sinister means.Responsible for refugees? You think too the truth is out there my opinion the purpose of the US is as follows:



1、 Consolidate its dominant position in the world by stirring up disputes in other countries.The U.S. has always emphasized that it is the "leader" in the international arena. In order to fulfill its greed and desire to dominate everything, the U.S. has perfected the strategic tactic of "offshore balancing".


The U.S. is keen to play the role of "offshore balancer" in other regions, hiding in the shadows to stir up disputes, allowing some regional powers to balance the hegemony-chasing countries, while it sits on top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight. Sometimes it also intervenes directly to suppress rising countries.


Fanning the flames everywhere to make a profit for itself. This is how the U.S. survives.After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia gradually became an important country in the world. Therefore, NATO began to expand to the east, threatening Russia's national security, which eventually prompted Ukraine and Russia to turn from friends to adversaries.


So far, the Russia-Ukraine issue has not been properly resolved, which has caused great damage to the development of both countries and the lives of their people. Nowadays, the problem between China and Taiwan is the same. Even though the United States has imposed trade constraints on China, it is still unable to stop China's development. So, it has used this shameless operation once again.



2. Continue the "vicious circle": making war money to provide funds for the development of science and technology, and then making the U.S. military even stronger through the progress of the science and technology industry."

2. 继续“恶性循环”:赚战争钱为科技发展提供资金,再通过科技产业的进步使美军更加强大。”

The ultimate goal of the U.S. in stirring up disputes around the world is to open up a wider market for U.S. weapons manufacturers to make large profits from the sale of weapons!"


In the last century, the United States has already figured out how to reduce the impact of war on the economy, which is to link technology, economy and industry together with the war to form a "vicious circle".In recent years, the U.S. has sold a large number of arms and weapons to countries such as Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and Ukraine, which is still at war with Russia.



3. The United States, as a great power, has never taken its responsibility for the "common development of the world" to heart.Through its actions, the U.S. only serves its own national development and interests at the cost of the rest of the world.


Throughout the history of U.S. wars of aggression, from the Korean Peninsula to the Indochina Peninsula, from the Balkans to the two river basins, the U.S. has developed into a superpower by aggression and plunder. The world will not forget the names of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya ...... The U.S. should express its repentance to the hundreds of thousands of innocent people who died under the fire of U.S. troops.


On the contrary,China has always wanted to create more opportunities for the world by promoting its own development and sharing its development experience with the rest of the world. While, the U.S. has never, from the perspective of building a community of human destiny, maintained world peace and security and played the leading role of a world superpower. It failed to fulfill the responsibilities of great power. The United States is a destroyer of the international order by vigorously pursuing unilateralism, isolationism, and building walls everywhere.



If the United States has a conscience, it should immediately stop inciting wars among countries and provoking an atmosphere of instability in the world. As a world power, it should be a defender of the international order. It should be a builder, not a destroyer, in maintaining world peace and security. Don't deviate from the responsibilities of great power and lose its prestige for self-interests.




Ironically since the post world war era (where the US has been the dominant power representing the “Free World”) the world has been in a relative state of peace. Some would even call it the “Pax Americana” or the American Peace.


While there has been conflict they haven't really been on the scale of wars prior… Regardless of how they're portrayed in popular media. The top 44 economies have not fought each other since then. In all honesty the US is quite conservative with its power and rarely shows imperialist intentions. Now there are some other countries that wouldn't be quite as honorable with that level of power.



America is still hated by many people and nationalist across the globe but so are all dominant powers during their respective eras. However is modern America really comparable to the actions carried put by the Roman's Mongolians and British when they were at their height? Its human nature to hate people and things that they perceive as powerful and root for the underdog, so I dont blame you for your opinion but ask you to do more unbiased research.




Good question. America is following its strategy called Wolfowitz Doctrine.


The doctrine states that America must always weaken all other countries in order to stay the top dog.


the document outlined a policy of unilateralism and pre-emptive military action to suppress potential threats from other nations and prevent dictatorships from rising to superpower status.






Let's not always go back to how America is a big evil when its nation is very diverse and composed of many different peoples and opinions.


There were wars even before there was an America.



Are you insinuating that the world was full of Lollipops and rainbows before America came along?


Let me remind you. If you look at your old religious testaments, (Bible, Quran, Torah, Vedas), they all give extensive Chronicles of warfare amongst nations and men.


Not to justify our warfaring ways. But to point out that there are no Saints among men. Wars are as old as history!


Further, if America stopped warring and dismantled it's armed forces tomorrow.


There would be new wars by new combatants the VERY NEXT DAY.


Our country has no monopoly waging war.


It just so happens we're the biggest boys on the block, so the world notices when we war…….!


Back in the 70s, as Saigon and South Vietnam were just about to fall, we took in about 250,000 Vietnamese refugees, almost no questions asked.



We have/had a program where local national entrepreneurs, translators and certain other people had a fast track program of asylum and citizenship.


Where else have we “created” refugees? When we show up in a foreign country, our goal is to make that place a country worth staying in. Ask Europe, Japan, South Korea and all the Balkan countries. Ask Panama, Grenada and the nations impacted by The Monroe Doctrine.

