
If you get it, you won't necessarily cherish it, and if you don't get it, it won't kill you.


People you meet at the age of 16, 17 or 18 will remember for the rest of your life.


No.3、当思念涌上心头 想越过方寸的屏幕拥抱你.

When missing comes to mind, I want to hug you across the square screen.


Cities that spend the winter without snow are really cold and unromantic.


No.5、要是有机会 我想和你一起喝珍珠奶茶 一起听音乐 一起回家吹晚风 一起走剩下的路 ,我的意思是,和你.

If there is a chance, I want to drink bubble tea with you, listen to music with you, go home with the evening breeze and walk the rest of the way with you, I mean.


I miss you so much. I want to see you right now. I want to hug you and tell you how much I miss you.


No.7、暗恋是一个人的兵荒马乱 但是当你看向他的时候他也看向你那一刻就觉得都值了.

Unrequited love is a person's war-torn, but when you look at him, he also looks at you, and at that moment he thinks it's all worth it.

No.8、汽水降低的温度是夏日的奇遇 我想搭乘能靠近你心房的电梯.

Lowering the temperature of soda is an adventure in summer. I want to take an elevator close to your heart.



I hope that one day the chat record will become a burning breath in my ear, the good night on the phone will become a kiss on my forehead, and you will lie quietly beside me on the screen.


Haruki Murakami said: "If you want to see someone all the time, you will meet someone sooner or later.


Wish: I can meet a boy who favors me generously.



People who miss each other will not be separated.

No.13、当满树樱花全部褪为绿叶 浪漫便藏起了花期.

When the cherry blossoms all fade into green leaves, romance hides the flowering period.


Meeting doesn't necessarily have an ending, but it will be meaningful. On the way to chasing the moon, I was illuminated by the moonlight.


No.15、我们坠落、破碎、掉入深渊,但我们终会被托起 、 被治愈.

We fall, break, and fall into the abyss, but we will eventually be lifted up and cured.


Are you afraid that you won't be able to move again in this life?

No.17、想成为阳光 可以肆无忌惮拥抱你.

Want to be sunshine can embrace you recklessly.



Later, I realized that a bright future means parting.

No.19、我爱你 心就特别软 平淡也温暖 无语也浪漫 ​​​​.

I love you with a soft, bland, warm, silent and romantic heart.


My youth lacks the vigorous love in the youth drama, but when I met you, I seemed to know what it was like.



I don't want to be your sun, I want to be your moon, which can accompany you every difficult night.

No.22、我至少听过你说的喜欢 像涓涓温柔途径过百川.

At least I've heard you say that love is like a gentle trickle through hundreds of rivers.

No.23、其实内心总有答案 再问只是期待是自己想要的答案 再见只是执念.

In fact, there is always an answer in my heart. Just asking for the answer you want. Goodbye is just obsession.


No.24、我和你相拥在十七八岁盛夏的蝉鸣里 也会和你漫步在七八十岁温凉的晚风中.

I hug you in the cicada chirping in the midsummer of seventeen or eighteen and walk with you in the cool evening breeze of seventy or eighty.
