· Faraday Future今日与美国纳斯达克上市公司第九城市(Nasdaq: NCTY,以下简称“九城”)签署协议,成立专注于在华研发、生产和销售豪华智能互联网(IAI)电动汽车的合资公司; ,接下来我们就来聊聊关于ff法拉第未来售价?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!



· Faraday Future今日与美国纳斯达克上市公司第九城市(Nasdaq: NCTY,以下简称“九城”)签署协议,成立专注于在华研发、生产和销售豪华智能互联网(IAI)电动汽车的合资公司;

· 合资公司将在中国生产、销售及运营Faraday Future旗下的互联网智能豪华电动车全新品牌车型V9,一款按照FF 91的技术平台和全新互联网空间设计理念打造的针对豪华电动车消费市场的全新车型;

· Faraday Future将向合资公司提供相关产权及资源,包括中国相关生产基地项目的注入,并将对合资公司授予指定车型V9以及未来可能潜在的后续车型的独家生产、营销及销售权;

· Faraday Future与九城各占合资公司50%股份,九城拥有相应的对合资公司的战略管理经营权,九城向合资公司注资最高达6亿美元,资本将基于合同约定分期注入;

· 合资公司期望未来达致年产30万台的产能,计划于2020年年内实现预量产车下线及预订销售。

2019年3月25日- 位于美国加州的高科技互联网共享智能出行生态公司Faraday & Future Inc.(以下简称:“FF”)今天与中国互联网公司第九城市(纳斯达克:NCTY,以下简称“九城”)联合宣布:将共同建立合资公司,在生产、制造、运营及销售方面达成协议携手进军中国豪华智能互联网电动汽车市场。这也是FF在最新战略调整下,正式启动中美双主场双品牌战略的关键一步。

FF以及九城都对中国庞大的新能源汽车市场和行业的高速发展充满信心,合资公司的首要目标是在中国独家生产及销售Faraday Future旗下的互联网智能豪华电动车全新品牌车型V9,V9是采用了FF 91最先进的平台技术和超前的互联网空间概念打造的全新豪华车型。未来其他后续潜在车型也可通过追加协议进入中国市场。


此次合资公司的建立是FF在公司最新战略调整下,中美双主场行动的开始。目前,FF超豪华旗舰车型FF 91全面进入量产前的最后准备工作,此次合作将有利进一步推动FF 91尽快启动生产,并加速研发下一款豪华车型FF 81。在FF最新全球战略布局下,FF将会把中美产研一体化组织全面打通,未来会增强两地产研全球一体化的团队,并继续推动本已强大供应商和供应链网络与合作。





通过本次跟九城的合作,FF短期资金得到了至为关键的支持,这次合作也为实现FF 91量产目标、实现中美双主场战略和股权融资起到了重要的推动作用。双方十分期待业务在中国的顺利落地,达到FF和九城的双赢。

当下,FF的旗舰款超豪华“新物种”FF 91的研发已完成,量产最终准备工作正稳步推进,多台预量产车也于位于加州汉福德的工厂下线,正在多处进行道路和验证测试,进而实现2019年美国加州汉福德的量产。FF期待与九城紧密合作,让业务在中国顺利落地,达到FF和九城的双赢。

【关于Faraday & Future Inc.】

Faraday Future是一家以用户为中心的互联网出行生态公司,总部位于硅谷和南加州。我们的全球团队汇集汽车和技术领域的思想领军人物与充满激情的创造者,为全球用户带来高端、直观易用、无缝互联的电动汽车。首款旗舰车型“新物种”FF 91已于2017年1月在美国面世,即将投产。


第九城市(简称“九城)是总部设于中国的互联网公司,于2004年在纳斯达克上市(Nasdaq: NCTY)。九城目前正积极成为高科技多元化互联网公司。


· Faraday Future (FF) today signed a joint venture agreement with The9 Limited (Nasdaq: NCTY).The joint venture will serve the China market with manufacturing, marketing, distribution and sale of Faraday Future’s new brandV9 model, an all-newluxury EV based on the technology and design concepts of FF’s flagship FF 91.

· FF will make contributions to the joint venture including FF’s use rights in a piece of landlocated in China for EV manufacturing and an exclusive license to manufacture, market, distribute and sell Faraday Future’s new brand V9model with the potential option for other future vehiclesin China.

· The9 will be a 50% partner in the joint venture with control over certain strategic business operations, with The9 making up to US $600 million in total capital contributions, contingent on the fulfillment of specified funding conditions.

· The expected annual production capacity of the joint venture is 300,000 cars, and the first pre-production car is expected to roll off the production line in 2020.

LOS ANGELES, MARCH 24, 2019 – Faraday Future,a California-based global shared intelligent mobility company (“FF”) today announced that it has signed a joint venture agreement (the “JVA”) with The9 Limited (Nasdaq: NCTY) (“The9”), an established China-based Internet company, to form a joint venture (the “JV”) to manufacture, market, distribute, and sell luxury intelligent electric vehicles in China. This also marks a key first step for FF to officially launch its dual-home-market and dual-brand strategy in both China and the US.

Both FF and The9 are confident in the outlook of China’s new energy mobility industry. The JV’s immediate objective is to exclusively manufacture, market, distribute, and sell Faraday Future’s new brand V9 model, a flagship luxury EV model designed and developed by FF. Other future models could be created with additional agreements.

The9 is a renowned Internet company based in China, listed on Nasdaq since 2004 with over a decade of experience in both the Internet industry as well as capital markets. The9’s experienced international team and its familiarity with the US capital markets will help to establish a global team for the JV’s management and operations. Moreover, the JV will be able to leverage The9’s industry reputation and existing business intelligence for the JV’s marketing implementation, especially in China.

This is only the beginning of a series of strategic actions for FF, all designed to support the completion and launch of its “new species of vehicle mobility” FF 91 EV in 2019 and continue development of the mass-market premium FF 81 under its dual-home-market and dual-brand strategy in both the U.S. as well as China. FF continues to make steady progress in the U.S. on the ultra-luxury FF 91 flagship, readying it for final production later this year. FF will work on establishing a team of integrated global R&D employees to support its already robust vendor and supply chain.

Under the JVA, The9 will make capital contributions of up to $600 million to the JV, and FF will make in-kind contributions to the JV, including FF’s use rights to a piece ofland located in China for luxury EV manufacturing and an exclusive license to manufacture, market, distribute and sell Faraday Future’s new brand V9 model and potentially other select future car models in China. The expected annual production capacity of the joint venture is 300,000 cars,and the first pre-production car is expected to roll off the production line in 2020.

“We are very pleased to see The9, an Internet company with more than a decade of industry experience, to partner with FF, a high-tech internet mobility company, to bring high-quality luxury electric vehicles to the Chinese marketplace,” said Mr. Jun Zhu, CEO of The9. “FF has the industry leading product technology and strategies, and a team of world-class top talents and resources. Leveraging the technology capabilities of FF, we believe our alliance with FF provides us with a great opportunity to pursue the fast-growing market of electric vehicles in China. We look forward to a long and successful relationship with FF and we honor this step to diversify our business portfolio as a high-tech Internet company.”

“We are very grateful for this opportunity as it shows the recognition of FF’s product technology from the9,” said FF founder and CEO YT Jia. “I believe that FF’s strategic vision and product concept will be perfectly integrated with the Internet and user operation genes of the9 to realize the smooth operation of FF flagship products in China.”

“As a California-based ultra-luxury intelligent mobility brand, FF has hundreds of proprietary patents, along with more than 1,000 industry patents currently in process, in both China and the United States. We are committed to be part of the future of the growing Chinese EV mobility market. Through the establishment of the joint venture, we are able to implement our dual-home-market and dual-brand strategy and achieve our strategic goal of introducing our new luxury EV brand in China," said YT Jia.

With The9’s first installment of capital into the JV, the establishment of the JV will help FF to overcome its short-term cash flow difficulties and support its ongoing equity financing efforts.

FF’s first FF 91 pre-production car was delivered last August at its manufacturing facility in Hanford, CA., the company’s production site in the U.S. Currently, multiple pre-production vehicles are undergoing vigorous testing and validation processes, with the goal of final delivery later this year. FF is ready to bring its industry-leading technology and strategic resources to this exciting JV with its partner The9.


Faraday Future (FF) is a California-based global shared intelligent mobility company.

Established in May 2014, FF is a global company, headquartered in Los Angeles. FF’s vision is to create a shared intelligent mobility ecosystem that empowers everyone to move, connect, breathe and live freely.
