2021-09-01 Everything is learnable through practice and repetition. 通过练习和重复,我们可以学会任何技能。

开学第一天,对高一新生来说,一定是满怀期待,心中还会有一丝小兴奋,早已在憧憬着高中的学习生活。所以一开始习惯的养成非常重要,第一节课上,让他们知道英语只是一种交流工具,它的功能就来交际、口头或书面交流。深层次来说,可以用来领会文化的魅力和韵味。埋下真善美的种子,浸润心灵、涵养美德。知者行之始,行者知之成。从英语学科具体来说就是做到:Listen attentively; Express clearly; Read aloud; Write exactly; Observe carefully; Think deeply. 也就是“听、说、读、写、看”,关键是要做到听要专心;表达要清晰;诵读要大声;书写要准确;观察要仔细;思考要深刻。课堂上要做到以学生为中心,而学习的过程要围绕着培养学生的能力和兴趣上着手,使学习的经历更具个性化;学习目标做到以能力为导向;学习活动从课堂延伸到课外。让学生更多地参与到对他们自身未来的勾画中。同样学校的教育也需要一种全新的学习体系,一种图绕每个学生设计的学习体系。什么样的课堂才是以学生为中心的?教师应该做些什么?在课堂上说什么?应该怎么备课?如何设计学生为中心的学习环境?教学部制定的连高生命体共同课堂给出了具体的规范。自学质疑、合作探究、展示交流、评价提升、归纳内化的要求不谋而合,从学生层面实施小组合作学习,多方位综合评价,来激发学生的内驱力:以“讨论”为铺垫,关注“思维分享”。给学生以充分的时间和空间,通过小组学习、合作学习,让他们在自己的思维环境中相互表达、相互倾听和思辨选择;通过学生自己的思维能够解决的一些问题,从而加深对问题的理解和对解决问题方法的掌握。通过思维的碰撞、交互与分享;思维的经历、溯源与选择,学生组内相互启迪,相互补充,直至解决问题,并当堂展示探究结果。让学生通过训练、观察、对比得出规律性的东西,达到举一反三、触类旁通。小组每位成员都要参与小组活动,不得游离集体之外。引导学生针对展示内容,激发质疑和争辩,再到问题核心处,揭示本质,阐述规律。在思维的关键处,让学生搞清思维的发生与发展。针对共性问题进行必要的补充、完善、拓展、深化、升华与总结,从一个问题的解法与过程去归纳提炼出研究、解决一类问题的思想、思路、方法和关键,尽力做到“解一题,会一类”、“见木见林”。在讲解的过程中涉及到We can do no great things only small things with great love. Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned接下来给同学们结合人生观、价值观、理想信念、学什么、怎么学、考什么、怎么考,作了一个具体分析。课堂上积极回答问题,思维敏捷的同学有王瑞琪:foreign language(What is English?);徐萱:communicate(What’s the function of language?);陈昱江(magazine)、范鑫雪(knowledge; ideas to the question: What will happen when we are thinking?)、陆美子(Daily golden sentences)等等,还有很多同时说出问题的答案。开学第一课,首先是祝贺congratulation,然后是welcome;围绕着advantage和disadvantage展开联想,找到自己深感自豪的原因。当问及Why do we learn English? 卞桦同学:to go to a great university;王欣雨同学:to fulfil a beautiful dream;马万淇同学:to satisfy my parents and give them a better life;刘星月同学:to study abroad for a better job;张欣怡同学:to lead a better life;Have you noticed that there is a hidden “I” and “my” in every possible answer? I study English for a wonderful university, for a good job,for a better life, to pursue a beautiful future for my family. There is nothing wrong in your answers,but I think that if we change the limited“I, me and my”answers into“we, us and our”, it would make a great difference.按照《基于高考评价体系的英语科考试内容改革实施路径》,学生在听力方面应该具备五个要求:(1)获取具体信息。(2)理解主旨要义,即提取或总结概括一 段对话或独白的主旨要义。(3)理解说话人的观点和态度。(4)理解说话人的目的。(5)推断,即根据相关信息,对话语发生的场合、说话人之间的关系以及事件或活动的原因、过程、结果等进行推断。并结合2021年全国卷听力几个重要部分的内容从Why、Who、How much、What、Where:1.Why did woman go to Mallorca? 3.Who will look after the children? 7.How much did Gomez pay for the football game last time? 9.What did Alex bring back? 15.Where is Sarah now? 16.What time is Michael leaving his place tomorrow morning? 17.What is the probable relationship between John and Sarah?来突出以上所提出的要求。然后再就读的方面,结合《新课标》水平二对阅读的要求主要体现在五个方面,第一能判断和识别书面语篇的意图,获取其中的重要信息和观点;能识别语篇中的主要事实与观点之间的逻辑关系,理解语篇反映的文化背景;能推断语篇中的隐含意义等。第二是要求我们学生识别语篇中的内容要点和相应的支撑论据,第三是要求学生识别语篇中新旧信息的布局和层级关系,要能够理解语篇成分之间的语义逻辑关系,能识别语篇中的时间顺序、空间顺序、过程顺序等。第四个方面是能在语境当中理解具体词语的功能、词语的内涵和外延以及使用者的意图和态度;能理解语篇中特定语言的使用意图以及语言在反映情感态度和价值观中所起的作用。第五个方面是能根据所学概念性词语,从不同角度思考和认识周围世界;能识别语篇间接反映或隐含的社会文化现象。这些要求都体现在选择性必修教材四册书当中,学完了选择性必修课程,学生的阅读理解应该具备七个方面的能力。第一在语境中理解词汇;第二理解文本的具体信息;第三能把握住文本的主旨要义;第四理解文本作者的观点态度;第五理解作者写作的目的;第六能进行推断;第七能理解所读文本的文章结构和类型等等。并结合2021年全国卷阅读中的几个有针对性的问题:23.What is the disadvantage of ...;25.Which of the following best describe Titterton’s job on stage? 29.What does the underlined word”decimate”mean in the first paragragh? 30.What is the direct result of the Act passed in 1934? 31.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text? 33.Why does the author mention “doctor”and “cheater” in paragragh2? 34.What is the author’s attitude to the popularization of emotional intelligence? 35.What does the last paragragh mainly talk about concerning emotional intelligence? 让学生体会阅读要求的真正内涵。《新课标》水平二对说的要求也主要体现在四个方面,高二学完了选择性必修课程之后,我们学生说的能力应该具备四个方面。第一发音规范、语调自然、能准确表达意义。第二词汇和语法结构使用准确、恰当,第三能有效使用衔接手段使表达条理清晰、逻辑连贯。第四表达切合题意,能使用澄清、补救等策略促进互动,实现交际目的。然后就《新课标》水平二写作要求也作了明确要求:第一个是能在书面表达中有条理地描述自己和他人的经历,阐述观点,表达情感态度;能描述事件发生发展的过程;能描述人或事物的特征、说明概念;能概述所读语言的主要内容或续写语篇。第二个要求就是能在表达过程中有目的地选择词汇和语法结构,确切表达意思,体现意义的逻辑关联性;能使用多模态语篇资源,达到特殊的表达效果。对学生的写作要求就是我们学生书面表达包含了内容、词汇语法、篇章结构和写作规范,反映这四个要素的英语科书面表达能力应具有以下四个特征。第一,内容完整并且清楚、合理,逻辑性强,符合写作目的与情境。第二,词汇和语法结构多样并且使用准确、恰当。第三,整体结构清晰,句间和段间衔接有效,意义连贯。第四,单词拼写正确,标点、大小写符合规范。Differences between senior and junior period:Characteristics of Senior English高中英语特点;Challenge 1: Large vocabulary — about 3000 to 3500words;Challenge 2: more long and difficult sentences and grammar;e.g.1.(语法填空)People _________(object) to (反对)seat belt installation (安装)suggest that children are already well protected by the school buses _________ follow the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) safety requirements set in 1977. Challenge 3: long passage:about 280-350 words each passage.并通过2021年高考英语全国新高考乙卷D篇:344单词给与呈现:

During an interview for one of my books, my interviewer said something I still think about often. Annoyed by the level of distraction (干扰)in his open office, he said, That's why I have a membership at the coworking space across the street一 so I can focus". His comment struck me as strange. After all, coworking spaces also typically use an open office layout (布局) . But I recently came across a study that shows why his approach works. 在针对我的一本书的采访中,采访我的人说了一些让我至今仍经常想起的事情。由于对开放式办公室的干扰感到生气,他说:“这就是我为什么在街对面的联合办公区办理会员的原因 一 这样我就可以集中精力工作。”他的话让我觉得很奇怪。毕竟,联合办公区通常也使用开放式办公室布局。但我最近无意中读到的一份研究报告说明,他的方法是有效的。

The researchers examined various levels of noise on participants as they completed tests of creative thinking. They were randomly divided into four groups and exposed to various noise levels in the background, from total silence to 50 decibels (分贝) , 70 decibels, and 85 decibels. The differences between most of the groups were statistically insignificant(无关紧要); however, the participants in the 70 decibels group — those exposed to a level of noise similar to background chatter in a coffee shop — significantly outperformed(胜过)the other groups. Since the effects(影响)were small, this may suggest that our creative thinking does not differ that much in response to(回应)total silence and 85 decibels of background noise. 研究人员查看了不同程度的噪声对参与完成创造性思维的人员的影响。参与者被随机地分为四组,并被置于不同等级的背景噪音环境中,从完全寂静到有50分贝、70分贝和85分贝的噪音。大多数组彼此之间的差别在统计上并不明显:然而,70分贝组的参与者一那些被置于类似咖啡店环境中喋喋不休的噪音水平的参与者一其表现明显好于其他组。由于影响很小,这也许就表明我们的创造性思维在完全寂静和有85分贝背景音中的区别并不那么大。

But since the results at 70 decibels were significant, the study also suggests that the right level of background noise — not too loud and not total silence — may actually improve one's creative thinking ability. The right level of background noise may interrupt our normal patterns of thinking just enough to allow our imaginations to wander(徘徊,游荡), without making it impossible to focus. This kind of“distracted focus”appears to be the best state for working on creative tasks. 但是,由于70分贝的噪音所产生的结果很明显,所以该研究还表明,适量的噪音环境一不太大声而不是完全寂静 一 实际上可能会提高一个人的创造性思维能力。适量的噪音环境可能会打断我们正常的思维模式,从而放飞我们的想象力,而不会导致我们无法集中注意力。这种“分心”似乎是从事创造性任务的最佳状态。

So why do so many of us hate our open offices? The problem may be that, in our offices, we can't stop ourselves from getting drawn into others conversations while we're trying to focus. Indeed, the researchers found that face-to-face interactions(相互交流)and conversations affect the creative process, and yet a coworking space or a coffee shop provides a certain level of noise while also providing freedom from interruptions.



Popularization has in some cases changed the original meaning of emotional (情感的) intelligence. Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a person's makeup(组成)that cannot be measured by an IQ test, such as character, motivation, confidence, mental stability, optimism and “people skills”(人际交往技巧). Research has shown that emotional skills may contribute to some of these qualities, but most of them move far beyond skill-based emotional intelligence.在某种程度上,大众化现在已经改变了情商的本意。许多人现在误解了情商,认为情商几乎是一个人性格中所有令人向往的品质,比如品性、动机、自信、心理稳定性、乐观和“人际交往技巧”,而这些品质不能用智商测试来衡量。研究表明,情感技巧可能有助于提高这些品质中的某几个,但他们中的大多数远远超出了基于技能的情商这一范畴。

We prefer to describe emotional intelligence as a specific set of skills that can be used for either good or bad purposes. The ability to accurately understand how others are feeling may be used by a doctor to find how best to help her patients, while a cheater might use it to control potential victims. Being emotionally intelligent does not necessarily make one a moral person.我们更倾向于将情商描述为一系列用途可好可坏的特定的技能。准确理解他人感受的能力可能会被医生用来发现如何最好地帮助病人,而骗子可能会用它来控制潜在受害者。情商高并不一定意味着这个人道德高尚。

Although popular beliefs regarding emotional intelligence run far ahead of what research can reasonably support, the overall effects of the publicity have been more beneficial than harmful. The most positive aspect of this popularization is a new and much needed emphasis (重视) on emotion by employers, educators and others interested in promoting social well-being. The popularization of emotional intelligence has helped both the public and researchers re-evaluate the functionality of emotions and how they serve people adaptively in everyday life. 尽管关于情商的流行观点远远超出了研究能合理支持的范围,但大众化的总体效果是利大于弊。这种大众化最积极的影响是雇主、教育工作者和其它想要提高社会福利的人开始重视情感,而这种重视非常有必要。情商的普及已经帮助了公众和研究人员去重新评估情绪的功能,以及情绪如何在日常生活中适应性地为人们服务。

Although the continuing popular appeal of emotional intelligence is desirable(值得拥有的,令人向往的), we hope that such attention will excite a greater interest in the scientific and scholarly(学术的;好学的;博学的) study of emotion. It is our hope that in coming decades, advances in science will offer new perspectives (视角) from which to study how people manage their lives. Emotional intelligence, with its focus on both head and heart, may serve to point us in the right direction.尽管情商的持续流行是有利的,但我们希望这种关注将激发人们对情感的科学和学术研究的更大兴趣。我们希望在未来几十年内,可以通过科学进步所提供的新的视角研究人们如何管理自己的生活。而情商作为聚焦于头脑和心灵的概念,也许能为我们指明正确的方向。


32. What is a common misunderstanding of emotional intelligence?

A. It can be measured by an IQ test. B. It helps to exercise a person's mind.

C. It includes a set of emotional skills. D. It refers to a person's positive qualities.

32题详解: D (1)细节理解题(人们对情商的普遍误解是什么? )(2)定位要精准:根据题干中的misunderstanding可以定位至第一段第二句,(Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a person's makeup许多人现在误解了情商,认为情商几乎是一个人性格中所有令人向往的品质。)说明人们误认为情商都是指好的方面(但实际上是有好有坏),故选D。(3)其他选项:A.它可以通过智商测试来衡量(与第一段第二句中的"a person's makeup that cannot be measured by an IQ test这些品质不能用智商测试来衡量”矛盾) B.它有助于锻炼一个人的头脑(文中并未提及);C.它包括一系列情感技能(第二段第一句: We prefer to describe emotional intelligence as a specific set of skills that can be used for either good or bad purposes.我们更倾向于将情商描述为一系列用途可好可坏的特定的技能。)这是对情商的正确理解,而不是误解。

33. Why does the author mention "doctor" and "cheater" in paragraph 2?

A. To explain a rule. B. To clarify a concept. C. To present a fact. D. To make a prediction.

33题详解: B (1)推理判断题(为什么作者在第二段提到”医生”.和”骗子”? ) (2) 第二段对应第一段,而为了让人更容易理解概念,采用了举例子的方法,说明情商涵盖的内容有好有坏,而不是人们误认为的情商高都是好事。(3)因此作者在第二段提到"医生”和”骗子”,是为了阐明情商的正确含义,消除人们的误解。故选B. To clarify a concept. (为了澄清概念)。(4)其他选项: A.为了解释规则。C.为了陈述事实。D.为了做出预测。

34. What is the author's attitude to the popularization of emotional intelligence?

A. Favorable. B. Intolerant. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.

34题详解: A (1)推理判断题(作者对情商大众化持什么态度? ) (2)定位要精准: 1) 35题已经表明是最后一段了,所以34题一定是第三段。2)研读第三段:第三段3句话,句间无连接词,但第一句有Although,基本可以确定答案就在第一句。根据”转折关系解题法”,第一句逗号前的句子可跳过不读,而重点看逗号后的句子"the overall effects of the publicity have been more beneficial than harmful."但大众化的总体效果是利大于弊。后面两句一定是对这一观点的具体阐明,可跳过不看。(3)既然”总体效果是利大于弊”,可以看出作者对情商大众化会持支持态度,故选A。 (4)其他选项: B. 无法容忍,反对。C. 怀疑。D. 态度不明。

35. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about concerning emotional intelligence?

A. Its appeal to the public. B. Expectations for future studies.

C. Its practical application. D. Scientists with new perspectives.

35题详解: B (1)推理判断题(最后-段主要讲了关于情商的什么问题? ) (2)研读第四段:

1)第一句有Although,重点关注逗号后的"we hope" 部分。2)第二句有"It is our hope that" 。3) B选项中有"expectations" ,与hope是同义词,故选B。(3)选项A.它对公众的吸引力。B.对未来研究的期望。C. 它的实际应用。D.有新观点的科学家。

What has happened to me?开学考73题:rude — rudeness;rude—ruder—rudest:It is rude to do sth:He is critical to the point of rudeness;开学考87:satisfy sb = be satisfied with sb;gain satisfaction from sb:She looked back on her career with satisfaction.开学考90:pick up恢复;偶然习得;好转;开车接某人;辨认出;感染...;

接着介绍高考题型及分值:Different test structure英 语(总分: 150分)












1) 语音—“单词拼读”规则

2).“五大基本句型”& 句子成分”概念



1. How to enlarge vocabulary: textbook;reading exercises;excerpt(摘抄);English movies / songs/ poems. Set a goal, make a plan, step by step.

2. How to learn grammar: Please follow me!And a grammar book.

3. Comprehending: 100万词的阅读量,Not kidding!新课程标准规定,高中学生要在高中阶段完成100万词的英语阅读量,而高中3年的英语教材阅读总量大约是40万,也就是说剩余的60万词阅读要来自课外。问题:1)没能达到规定的阅读量,难形成英语的语感。2)错误地认为英语是最容易学的学科,可以突击速成,忽视英语。建议: 选择一本好的教材, 从高一开始进行大量阅读。人大附中每月要完成300-400页的英文原版材料阅读,清华附中、北大附中高一学生每月读一本英文缩略版小说;首师大附中课外使用新概念3作为课外教材。给大家推荐英语时文,新概念英语阅读,大家可以根据自己的英语水平选择读哪些。

4. How to improve oral English:Vocabulary、Imitation(模仿)、Open your mouth、Never be afraid of making mistakes.

5. What can we do to improve our English ? Attitude、Method、Self-discipline自律。

6. Homework: Homework:1.A3笔记本;2.语法书;3.英语词典;4.英语读物:杂志每人准备2-3本。5.每天作业跟上


今天的作业布置及要求:完成衔接教材Group 2;完成《步步高分层训练》课时跟踪练习二P57-58;单词背诵1~200个;早读课朗读必修一、读本提优版1-3篇。(不懂的生词,查出并标上汉语。)







