近年来,身体素养(physical literacy)被描述为一个期待已久的概念,是一个统领当代体育改革与发展的理念。



1993年,Whitehead首次提出“身体素养”的概念假设,将身体素养描述为“发展人与世界的清晰联系(the development of an articulate liaison with the world)”。


2001年,Whitehead发表文章“身体素养的概念(The Concept of Physical Literacy)”,勾勒出身体素养概念的基本框架,对身体素养的含义提出了更有说服力和更加全面的描述和解释。根据Whitehead(2001)的观点,身体素养的概念来源于一元论、现象学和存在主义等哲学概念,通过引入这些哲学立场,将身体素养转变为一种包容和整体的概念,关注世界中的个人及其经历。Whitehead认为身体素养的个人将拥有:


(2)基于他们自己的经验和理解对世界的具身认知(embodiment within this world based on their own experiences and perceptions);



2010年,Whitehead出版了具有里程碑意义的著作——《Physical Literacy:Through a LifeCourse》。作者全面深入探讨了身体素养的概念、内涵、意义和哲学基础,将“身体素养”描述为个体终身保持适当的身体活动水平而发展起来的动力、信心、身体胜任力(physical competence)、知识与理解。倡导将其应用于从婴儿到老年的整个生命周期——人的终身之旅。它既反映了人们参加体育活动的愿望,也反映了人们通过体育活动获得有意义的、充实经历的愿望。身体素养不仅包括学校的体育教育或有组织的体育活动,它还提供了更广泛的与天赋无关的(unrelated to ability)身体活动概念。通过使用特殊的教学方法和采用新的思维方式,身体素养为更广泛的人群提供了更现实的身体潜能和胜任力(physical competence)以及身体活动模型,为每个人成为积极主动的参与者提供机会。



最新IPLA网站「链接」上将身体素养被描述为动机、信心、身体胜任力、知识与理解,重视身体活动,将终身参与视为一种责任(Physical literacy can be described as the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.IPLA, 2017)。尽管自2001年以来,这个定义已经被修改了4次,但Whitehead和她在IPLA的同事们始终保留了动机、信心、体能、知识和理解等要素。Whitehead的定义中另一个不变的观点是,身体素养贯穿人的整个生命历程。




    1. 国际身体素养协会:身体素养被描述为动机、信心、身体胜任力、知识与理解,重视身体活动,将终身参与视为一种责任。Physical literacy can be described as the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.(International Physical Literacy Association, IPLA, United kingdom.)
    2. 英国威尔士:身体技能 信心 动机 充足的机会=身体素养。Skills Confidence Motivation Lots of opportunities = Physical Literacy(Sport Wales, United Kingdom)
    3. 加拿大蒙特利尔:具有身体素养的个体在多种环境多样的身体活动中能够胜任和自信的运动,促进完人的健康发展。Individuals who are physically literate move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person(Physical and Health Education, Montreal, Canada).
    4. 美国:具有身体素养的个体在多种环境多样的身体活动中能够胜任和自信的运动,促进完人的健康发展。Physical literacy is the ability to move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person(Society of Health and Physical Educators.USA).
    5. 新西兰:参与者具有的动机、信心、身体胜任力、知识和理解力,使他们能够重视并负责的去参与终身身体活动和运动。The motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding required by participants that allows them to value and take responsibility for engaging in physical activity and sport for life(Sport New Zealand).
    6. 澳大利亚:将定义表述为4个方面:





Four defining statements: Core/process: Physical literacy is lifelong holistic learning acquired and applied in movement and physical activity contexts

Components/constructs: It reflects ongoing changes integrating physical, affective (subsequently renamed “psychological”), cognitive, and social capabilities

Importance: It is vital in helping us lead healthy and fulfilling lives through movement and physical activity

Aspiration/product: A physically literate person is able to draw on their integrated physical, affective, cognitive, and social capacities to support health promoting and fulfilling movement and physical activity—relative to their situation and context

[1] Durden-Myers E J, Whitehead M E. Operationalizing physical literacy: Special issue editorial[J]. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 2018, 37(3): 234-236.

[2] 任海. 身体素养:一个统领当代体育改革与发展的理念[J]. 体育科学, 2018, 38(3): 3-11.

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[3] Lundvall S. Physical literacy in the field of physical education–A challenge and a possibility[J]. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2015, 4(2): 113-118.

[4] International Physical Literacy Association (IPLA). (2017). IPLA defini-tion. Retrieved from https://www.physical-literacy.org.uk/

[5] IPLA(2020) https://www.physical-literacy.org.uk/

[5] Sport Wales (2017) http://physicalliteracy.sportwales.org. uk/en/

[7] PHE Canada (2017)http://www.phecanada.ca/programs/ physical-literacy/what-physical-literacy

[8] CS4L (2017) http://sportforlife.ca/qualitysport/ physical-literacy/

[9] Mandigo et al. (2012) http://www.shapeamerica.org/events/ physicalliteracy.cfm

[10] Sport New Zealand (2015)

http://sportnz.org.nz/about-us/who-we- are/what-were-working-towards/ physical-literacy-approach

[11] Australian Sports Commission (2017) http://ausport.gov.au/physical_literacy

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