Do you still hug your parents? How do you feel when you hug them? When do you need a hug the most?,接下来我们就来聊聊关于中考英语阅读2023年最新资料?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!




Do you still hug your parents? How do you feel when you hug them? When do you need a hug the most?

It was a cold November morning several years ago. My alarm clock had just gone off, but I was having trouble getting out of bed. My dad had died a few weeks before. I felt weighed down by sadness and depression.

Tough and strong, my dad had worked so hard all of his life to support us. He would sometimes shout at my brothers and me, but I always knew that he loved me. Still, he had been raised (养育) in a traditional way and raised us that way too. I couldn’t remember, for example, ever being hugged by him.

After my mom and grandma passed away, my dad moved into grandma’s home. I was so happy to have him close by. I would often visit him and just talk with him about life. But we still seldom touched and never hugged. Finally his own health began to rapidly fail and within a few months he left us. It was a cold morning when we had his service (追悼会), but I was too cold inside myself to feel it. I couldn’t remember when we’d had our last hug.

I sighed (叹气) and got out of my bed. I turned on the lights and walked into the hallway. I saw my son Jim walking down the hall to meet me. Suddenly, he opened his arms and gave me a heart-felt hug. And just as he did, I heard my dad’s voice deep inside of me say, “Joey, this hug is from me!” I cried and smiled at the same time. In that moment, in the place where heart, mind, and spirit all meet, I felt loved. I felt loved by my dad. I felt loved by life.


1.The writer felt down because ______.

A.he was cold

B.his alarm clock didn’t go off

C.he had trouble getting up

D.his dad had died

2.What did the writer think of his father?______

A.Tough and strong.


C.Full of love.

D.All of the above.

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to paragraph 4?______

A.He talked about everything with his father.

B.He lived near his father.

C.His father got serious health problem.

D.He felt so sad in the service.

4.The passage implies (暗示) that ______. shouldn’t be raised in a traditional way

B.parents should set good examples for children needs to be expressed members need to understand each other

5.What’s the best title for the passage?______

A.Sad but moved.

B.Sometimes people need a hug.

C.A father who doesn’t know love.

D.Missing my father.



1.细节理解题。根据“My dad had died a few weeks before. I felt weighed down by sadness and depression.”可知,作者的父亲几周前去世了,他感到悲伤和沮丧。故选D。

2.细节理解题。根据“Tough and strong, my dad had worked so hard all of his life to support us. He would sometimes shout at my brothers and me, but I always knew that he loved me.”可知,坚韧而强壮的爸爸一生都在努力工作来养活我们。他有时会对我和我的兄弟们大喊大叫,但我一直知道他是爱我的。所以作者的父亲坚韧而强壮、努力又充满爱,故选D。

3.推理判断题。根据“I would often visit him and just talk with him about life. But we still seldom touched and never hugged.”可知,作者经常去看望父亲,和他谈谈生活,但他们仍然很少接触和拥抱。选项A“他和他的父亲无话不谈”表述错误,故选A。


5.最佳标题题。根据“Do you still hug your parents? How do you feel when you hug them? When do you need a hug the most?”和全文内容可知,选项B“有时候人们需要拥抱”符合主题,故选B。


