
今天要推荐给大家一部电影《Dear John》,中文名叫:分手信。

Dear John是一个俚语,意思为绝交信或分手信。它原先写为Dear John Letter,John在这里代指美国大兵。这个词的来源是二战时期,由于在家乡的未婚妻或者是妻子忍受不了自己的男人常年在外,从而提出分手。

这部电影是同名小说改编的,我们就不得不说一下它的作者:尼古拉斯·斯帕克思(NichoIas Sparks),美国著名畅销书作家,著有多本小说,作品被翻译超过35种语言、全球销量超过四千五百万册!




还有the longest ride 《最长的旅程》,the choice 《爱情的抉择》。




Dear John,

There's so much I want to say to you, but I'm not sure where I should begin. Should I start by telling you that I love you? Or that the days I've spent with you have been the happiest in my life? Or that in the short time I've known you, I've come to believe that we were meant to be together? I could say all those things and all would be true, but as I reread them, all I can think is that I wish I were with you now, holding your hand and watching for your elusive smile.

In the future, I know I'll relive our time together a thousand times. I'll hear your laughter and see your face and feel your arms around me. I'm going to miss all of that, more than you can imagine. You're a rare gentleman, John, and I treasure that about you. In all the time we were together, you never pressed me to sleep with you, and I can't tell you how much that meant to me. It made what we had seem even more special, and that's how I always want to remember my time with you. Like a pure white light, breathtaking to behold.

I'll think about you every day, and I know when I see you tomorrow, saying goodbye would be the hardest thing I've ever done. Part of me is scared that there will come a time when you don't feel the same way, that you'll somehow forget about what we shared, so this is what I want to do. Wherever you are and no matter what's going on in your life, when it is the first night of the full moon—like it was the first time we met—I want you to find it in the nighttime sky. I want you to think about me and the week we shared, because wherever I am and no matter what's going on in my life, that's exactly what I'll be doing. If we can't be together, at least we can share that, and maybe between the two of us, we can make this last forever.

I love you, John Tyree, and I'm going to hold you to the promise you once made to me. If you come back, I'll marry you. If you break your promise, you'll break my heart.


[1]There's so much I want to say to you, but I'm not sure where I should begin.


[2]I've come to believe that we were meant to be together!


[3]I'll think about you every day, and I know when I see you tomorrow, saying goodbye would be the hardest thing I've ever done.

