DAY 160


Source: washingtonpost


Title: What time of day should you work out? Depends on your Gender - and goals, a study found




There is no wrong time to exercise, but there may be some times that are more right than others.


The best time of day to exercise can depend on your gender and even whether you want to burn fat or get stronger, according to a helpful new study of men, women and exercise Timing.


Human studies of exercise timing have been contradictory. Some show people burn extra fat and lose more weight by exercising early, especially before breakfast, while others suggest we gain greater health benefits from afternoon or evening workouts.


But most of these studies were small and involved only men with metabolic conditions, such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity. So we have known little about optimal exercise timing for healthy men - and even less about the best timing for women. Which is why the new study is so Meaningful.



Gender 性别

Timing 时机

Contradictory 对立的;相互矛盾的

Burn 燃烧

Workout 锻炼

Involve 涉及;包含

Metabolic 新陈代谢的

Diabetes 糖尿病

Obesity 过度肥胖

Optimal 最佳的;最优的

Meaningful 有意义的

Top comments:网友热评:

@chrisbarton : The best time is when you have time. That's it!

@chrisbarton : 最好的时候就是当你有时间的时候。就是这样!

@misty_hood : Just workout - don't get lost in all this

@misty_hood : 锻炼就是了—别迷失在这些东西里面

@kar_francisco : From the article: It found that, for women, morning workouts zapped abdominal fat and improved blood pressure better than late-day training. For men, evening exercise led to greater fat burning and better blood pressure control. Evening exercise also amplified the benefits of strength training, but more so for women.

@kar_francisco : 摘自文章:研究发现,对于女性来说,早晨锻炼比晚些时候的锻炼,更能减少腹部脂肪和改善血压。对于男性来说,晚间锻炼可以燃烧更多的脂肪,更好地控制血压。晚间锻炼也能放大力量训练的益处,但对女性来说效果更明显。



Sammi's murmur:

The dry summer is slowly passing, the temperature is gradually cooling down, it is the perfect time right now for outdoor sports.
