












At work

Colleague 1: Hi Bob. I'm feeling out of sorts today.Colleague 2: I'm sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem?

Colleague 1: Well, I'm really upset about the changes at work.Colleague 2: I know, it's been difficult for everyone.

Colleague 1: I just don't understand why they had to change our team!Colleague 2: Sometimes management does things we don't understand.

Colleague 1: It makes no sense! I just don't feel well about it at all.Colleague 2: Maybe you need some time off work.

Colleague 1: Yes, maybe that's it.Colleague 2: Is there anything I can do to help?

Colleague 1: No, just talking about it makes me feel a little better.Colleague 2: Feel free to talk to me anytime.

Colleague 1: Thanks. I appreciate it.Colleague 2: No problem.

Between friends

Sue: Anna, what's the matter?Anna: Nothing. I'm fine.

Sue: You seem sad. You can tell me all about it if you want.Anna: OK, well, I'm in the dumps about Tom.

Sue: Bummer. What seems to be the problem?Anna: I don't think he loves me anymore.

Sue: Really! Are you sure about that?Anna: Yes, I saw him yesterday with Mary. They were laughing and having a great time.

Sue: Well, maybe they were just studying together. It doesn't mean he's leaving you.Anna: That's what I keep telling myself. Still, I'm feeling blue.

Sue: Is there anything I can do?Anna: Yes, help me distract myself. Let's go exercise together!

Sue: Now you're talking. The new dance class at the gym would help you feel much better.Anna: Yes, maybe that's what I really need.
