If和if only是非常常用的连词,也是考试中常常考到的。下面对其考试要点进行讲解。If是连词,做“假如,如果”讲。比如:If you don't return the money to me,I'll file a suit against you.如果你不把钱还给我,我就去控告你。

If的第二个意思为“是否”。比如:I'm not sure if he can help me out.我不能确定他是否会帮助我。

If only经常用来表示“要是……多好”。比如:If only I could live to 100.我要是能活到100岁就好了。If only还可指“要是,只要”。比如:If only I knew her number I could call her right now.我要是知道他的电话号码就可以给他打电话了。


考点1:if引导的条件句,如果跟will连用是表示婉转、客气或者意愿,跟would、should 或者were to连用就更加婉转。比如:If you would hold the bicycle,I'll put on my jacket.请帮忙扶住自行车,我穿一下外套。再比如:If he will listen to me,I'll help him.如果他愿意听我的,我就帮助他。

考点2:if做“如果”解的时候,表示将来的动作时,尽管if从句当中的动词是将来要发生的动作,但只能用一般时态,主句要用将来时。比如:If it rains tomorrow,I'll stay at home.如果明天下雨,我就呆在家里。


考点3:if用于虚拟条件句当中是常考点,学生常犯时态呼应问题的错误。比如:If it were not for my work,I would have helped you.这个句子中if从句中的动作指的是与过去事实不符,那么were not应该改为had not been。如果指的是与现在或将来事实不符时,应该把主句当中的would have helped改成would help。


考点4:if做“是否”讲的时候和whether意思比较相近,考试中容易混淆。比如下面的例子都是错误的:I worry about if he is safe。(if从句不能做介词宾语);If he comes or not,I don't care.(从句放在句首时不能用if);

I don't know if to accept the invitation or not.(这个if后边不能接不定式);The problem is if we can get enough money.(if不能引导表语从句);Try if or not the door is locked.(if不能直接和or not连用);All the time she was in doubt if she was right.(if不能跟在名词后边)。上面这些例子均不能用连词if,要都改成whether才行。
