


Secrets of the Hollywood Surrogates 解密好莱坞代理孕母

Forget owning a private jet or having a Birkin handbag on your arm - it seems like the new must-have for celebrities is a surrogate.


Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are expecting their third child this way after Kim, who's 36, decided not to carry her third child as she suffered from a dangerous condition called placenta accreta during their previous pregnancies.


The pair are expected to add a baby girl to their family in January, with their surrogate reported to be an African-American college graduate, who is married with two children, and who is currently being guarded round the clock by security, which is costing Kimye $2 million.


The pair are the latest in a long line of celebs to have a baby this way.


[1] must-have 必备品

[2] surrogate 代用品;代理孕母

[3] suffer from... 患某种病

[4] round the clock 昼夜不停、通宵达旦

[5] Kimye 卡戴珊夫妇合称

[6] in a long line of 一长串、一长队

[7] celebs 名流、名人(celebrities的简写)

