Welcome to Firry's learning log. This is the _103th day of my record.









开始重新用ipad Pro,希望眼睛不要出事(/(°∞°)\)






▶将来成就如何,现在想他则甚?着急他则甚?面不可骄盈自慢,一面又不可怯弱自馁,尽自己能力做去,做到哪里是哪里,如此则可以无入而不自得,而于社会亦总有多少贡献。我一生学问得力专在此一点,我盼望你们都能应用我这点精神。 一梁启超



‖数据| Data Analyze





➽American sarcasm 幽默和无礼的微妙区别,你抓住了吗 02.词汇学习 sarcastic, clueless, metamorphosis, joke around, contradiction, criticism 03.句型学习 get with the program, as a means of doing something, go that far



Never duck responsibility; it's like running from the rain only to fall into the river. 永远不要逃避责任。 逃避责任,就好比是躲过了雨,最终却发现 掉进了河里。 法拉·格雷Farrah Gray 主持人 美国著名的“商界神童”


❶duck 对应汉语中的“逃避责任”“逃避困难”“回避问题” duck out偷偷溜走,突然离开 完美破解汉语中的“偷偷离开”“悄悄溜走”

❷rain (come) rain or shine/come rain, come shine 风雨无阻,无论如何 对应汉语中的“无论刮风下雨”“无论如何” rain on sb's parade 煞风景 完美破解汉语中的“扫兴”“泼冷水”



▶Daily Mail: A nurse who spent 28 days in a Covid coma fighting for her life has been saved after medics医师 gave her Viagra as part of an experimental treatment试验性治疗 regime.提前规划好的计划 Double-jabbed打过两次疫苗 asthmatic似气喘的 mother-of-two两个孩子的母亲 Monica Almeida, 37, from Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, was admitted to hospital入院on November 9 after testing positive for coronavirus on October 31. She was moved to intensive care重症监护 a week later before doctors put her into an induced coma人工昏迷on November 16.


1,Wrap up warm!穿暖点! 搭配“wrap up warm”或“wrap up well” 2,Bundle up.裹严实点。 以外,还可以用搭配“bundle someone up” 3.Put some more clothes on!多穿点! 4.Keep warm!注意保暖! 5.Wear lots of layers!多穿几层!


❶Last__year my wife_and__I went__to Lisbon for the first time. ❷We were only there for three days and it rained pretty much all the time.

❸We didn'_t_do as much walking as we had planned. but there are historic _trams running through the most_picturesgue_parts of the city and so we still got_to see a lot.




❶sunlit adj.阳光照耀的 " He could see a sunlit river glittering through their trunks. 他看见一条阳光下的小河在树丛间流过,波光粼粼。

❷rustproof adj.(金属)防锈的,抗锈的 " Stainless products are always popular because they're rustproof. 不锈钢制品因为能防锈,所以很受欢迎。

❸cynical adj.愤世嫉俗的;无所顾忌的 " Oh, Julie, you're way too young to be this cynical. 朱莉,你还这么年轻,你不该这么愤世嫉俗。

❹homage n.敬辞,表示敬意的举动 " To keep them, English kings had to pay homage to the French monarch. 要保住它们,英国国王必须向法国王室宣誓致敬。

❺infatuate vt.使冲昏头脑,迷恋 " How could she allow herself to become so infatuated with a stranger? 她怎么能让自己对一个陌生男人如此迷恋?



➽进度→_226__ / 336

cheque /tfek/(=check)n.支票

instalment /n'sto:lmant/ (=instaliment)n.(分期付款的)一期付款

shilling /Jiln/ n.先令 copper /'kopa/ n.铜;[~s]铜币;警察 legacy /'legasi/ n.遗赠,遗产 incentive /in'sentrv/ n.刺激,激励 prompt /prompt/ v.促使 adj.迅速的 reimburse /rism'bs:s/ v.赔偿,补偿 payroll /petraul/ n.工资名单 remuneration /ri,mju:na'reifan/ n.报酬 subsidy /'sAbssdi/ n.津贴,补贴 undertaking /Anda'teikin/ n.任务,事业;许诺,保证 norm /no:m/ n.标准;[~s]行为准则,规范 benchmark /bentfma:k/ n.基准,水准点 enact /inekt/ v.通过(法律);表演





▶《 前言——劫后余生》

▶进度__30__ /313



▶“忽略P(D/~H) ”

▶进度__73__ /193

❸ 精读《LEAN IN 》



▶进度__91-92__ /140

❹ 《论语》陈典版



▶进度_383___ /842

❺ 其他散文



❻ 英语频道/纪录片/音频等


Top think,Alux。
