

1 from one place to another从一个地方到另一个地方

2 In search of 寻找

3 in nature 在大自然中,本质上,事实上

4 millions of 数百万

5 a team of 一队,一组,一批

6 two pieces of information 两条信息

7the solution to the mystery 谜底

8 crash by 猛跌了

9 in the last few years 在过去的几年里

10 cut down 削减;减少使用;砍倒(树木)

11 make sure 确保;务必;尽力做到;深信;

12 feed on 以……为主食;以……为能源

13 a travel leaflet 旅行传单

14 the cause-effect flow chart 因果流程图

15for the first time 首次,第一次

16as busy as a bee 忙得团团转,非常忙碌

17kill two birds with a stone 一箭双雕

18When the cat`s away,the mice will play.


19hold your horses 慢点,别急

20 rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨

21 listen out 留神听;留心听

22 at the very start of 在...的最初

23 in the wild 自然环境下,在野外

24 brave the elements 不顾天气恶劣,冒着风雨

25 be known for 因...而著名

26 at the speed of 以…的速度

27 step out of 从...走出

28 concentrate on 专心于,把思想集中于;将…集中于…

29 from time to time 不时地;间或;偶尔

30 in a single image 在单幅图像中,基于单幅图像

31show respect to 尊重

32 be famous for 因...而闻名

33 a weight of ...重

34 recover from 从...收回,恢复,痊愈

35 vote for 投赞成票

36 survive a great chance 幸免于难

37 take...for example 以...为例

38 solve the mystery 解谜

二 句型

1 Somehow they managed to travel around 4,000 kilometers south and find their way to California or Mexico


2 The solution to the mystery of the monarch`s amazing ability comes at a time when it is in serious trouble


3 Its population has crashed by as much as 90 percent in the last few years.


4 If this works, there may come a time when the number of monarch butterflies increases once again.


5 The more we know about this lovely creature,the greater chance it will survive and keep is place in the natural world for a long time to come

