




2. 写作达到A档18分以上

3. 听力语法词汇阅读达到扣分2分以内

4. 为高中四大题型打基础(翻译与概要写作、语法填空,词汇填空和完形填空)






You are planning a reading club on line, so you decide to invite a friend of yours to join you by email. (你正在筹备一个在线阅读社团,你决定通过电子邮件邀请一个朋友加入。)

In your email, you need to…

1.introduce your plan of the reading club.

2.talk about what kind of books you are going to read.

3.give the reason(s) why you want to run the club.


Dear Ray:

I’m planning an online reading club to read something about history, politics and so. I know you are good at history and poitics and interested in them. So i'd like to invite you to read with me and discuss with me. It can further our understanding of history and politics. Of course only two people is not enough. We can find other people who has the same interests as us to join the club. I think its meaningful. Please come in and read together!

Yours, Kevin


I'm planning an online reading club recently where students can read books and share ideas about history and politics together. I plan to have about 20 members and meet twice a week online. I know you are interested in history and politics and are good at the two subjects, so I'd like to invite you to join our club. In my opinion, such a reading club is very useful and meaningful. It can further our understanding about history and politics by reading more books. Besides, it can help us broaden our horizons through sharing ideas with each other. Last but not least, we can make new friends with people who have the same interests as us. So why not come and join us? I'm looking forward to your reply. (注意3部分的内容都要相对充实)
