
⊙你知道吗,horse sense居然是常识?⊙

如果别人夸奖你有horse sense,不要误会,以为人家在骂你,其实这是一句夸奖,表示你聪明,有常识,可以做出正确的决定。

那为什么叫horse sense呢?跟马有什么关系?语言学家们也搞不清楚一开始这个词是用来夸马的冷静又谨慎的品质,还是那些会养马的人养马有方,总之,这个十九世纪的短语就这么流传下来啦。

1. horse sense 常识

common sense

▷Pure horse sense should tell you not to stand so close to the space heater.


▷She's got too much horse sense to believe his story.


dark horse是什么意思(Horsesense不是)(1)



2. Don't change horses in midstream 不要在中途换马;不要在紧急关头改变策略

(proverb) do not make major changes to a situation or course of action that is already underway

▷I'm really not confident in the strength of my essay, but I guess I just have to see this one through at this point. Like they say, don't change horses in midstream.


3. from the horse's mouth 据权威人士讲/据有关人士讲

(of information) from the person directly concerned or another authoritative source

▷"Is our test really getting rescheduled?"

"Yep, our teacher was ahead of me in the lunch line, so I heard it straight from the horse's mouth."



4.Horses for courses. 马各有道;物各近其善,人各尽其能

(Bri.proverb)different people are suited to different things or situations

▷I think Johnson would be much better for this job. It's a question of horses for courses.

