卖炭翁 白居易











卖炭翁白居易注音 卖炭翁白居易英译(1)


The Old Charcoal Seller

Bai Juyi

Tr. Feng Hong

The old man who was a charcoal seller by trade,

In south hills chopped firewood and then charcoal was made.

His face was dusted and coated with the smoke;

Two temples were grey and ten fingers were pitch black.

What to trade by selling it?

It is not enough for what he can wear and eat.

It was a pity for his thin clothes,

But he worried about the cheap price and expected the chilly days.

For one-foot snow outside the city over night,

At dawn in the icy track he drove the charcoal cart.

As the ox was tired, he hungry with the higher sun’s ray,

He halted in the mud of the south market gateway.

Leisurely here’s coming the two riders,

Wearing the yellow robes but white shirts.

Holding the edict to give an order,

They swung the cart and urged the ox to north part.

One full cart, weighed over a thousand Jin,

But nothing can be against the palace servant at the end.

The red gauze, half piece and the silk, ten feet,

As the charcoal’s value, were fixed to the horns late.
