
The Legend of the Bell Rock《贝尔礁的传说》

IntroductionThe sea hides many secrets, its shores many tales. Heroic sailor stories about men who fought under many flags, crowns and empires, as well as legends of pillaging buccaneers roaming every ocean, are known to many a seaman. Pirates were believed to have no soul; only angry spirits that would stay behind when death came too unexpected, leaving the pirates’ greed unsatisfied. Hence, many stories speak of mysterious figures that appear at night along the coast, mentioning events that are not explained until this day. This story, based on a poem written in 1802, is precisely such a story. It is about two brothers. One became a devoted Abbot, with a kind heart and a caring soul. The other, became a pirate…




1. This is a story of two brothers. One took to religion, the other took to the sea. One became a monk, then a prior and ultimately an abbot. The other, a sailor, a sea captain and eventually a notorious pirate! For he was as wicked as his brother was good.这是一则关于两兄弟的故事。一个皈依了宗教信仰,另一个去了海上闯荡。一个成了修道士,后晋升为修道院的副院长,最后成了修道院院长;另一个成为了一名水手,后来成为船长,最后成为了一个臭名昭著的海盗!两兄弟,一个善,一个恶。2. Although each was aware of the other’s occupation, they had little personal contact. The Abbot prayed often for the sea robber. Who, in turn despised his brother’s chosen calling and took every opportunity to ridicule and embarrass him. 尽管两兄弟都知道彼此的职业,他们却很少联系。当修道院院长的哥哥经常为做海盗的弟弟祈祷;而弟弟却看不起哥哥选择的职业,并利用一切机会对哥哥进行奚落和羞辱。

legend (noun)英 /ˈledʒənd/ 美 /ˈledʒənd/ 传奇;说明;took to(phrasal verb, from: to take to) 开始从事;养成…的习惯monk (noun)英 /mʌŋk/ 美 /mʌŋk/ 僧侣,修道士;和尚prior (noun)a superior position in a monastery to a monk, but a position below an abbot) 英 /ˈpraɪə(r)/ 美 /ˈpraɪər/ 男修道院副院长;托钵会会长;(非正式)犯罪前科;先验;(一些宗教教派中的社区)长老abbot (noun)英 /ˈæbət/ 美 /ˈæbət/ 修道院院长;修道院;男修道院院长;修士sailor (noun)英 /ˈseɪlə(r)/ 美 /ˈseɪlər/ 水手,海员;乘船者notorious (adj.)英 /nəʊˈtɔːriəs/ 美 /noʊˈtɔːriəs/ 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的pirate (noun) 英 /ˈpaɪrət/ 美 /ˈpaɪrət/ 海盗;盗版;wicked (adj.) 英 /ˈwɪkɪd/ 美 /ˈwɪkɪd/ 邪恶的;恶劣的;不道德的;顽皮的occupation (noun) 英 /ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn/ 美 /ˌɑːkjuˈpeɪʃn/ 职业;占有;消遣;robber (noun)英 /ˈrɒbə(r)/ 美 /ˈrɑːbər/ 强盗;盗贼despised (verb)英 /dɪ'spaɪzd/ 美 /dɪˈspaɪzd/ 轻视,看不起(despise 的过去式和过去分词)calling (noun)英 /ˈkɔːlɪŋ/ 美 /ˈkɔːlɪŋ/ 使命感;职业;ridicule (verb)英 /ˈrɪdɪkjuːl/ 美 /ˈrɪdɪkjuːl/ 嘲笑,奚落



3. The Abbot was working in an abbeyof a small coastal town. The Abbot had become increasingly concerned about the number of ships that were being wrecked upon a small rocky island just beyond the Firth of Tay. The island was so small it was not well visible to the eye of sailors, so many ships crashed into it. 哥哥的修道院坐落在一个沿海小镇。这位修道院院长越来越关心因撞上恰好位于泰河湾外的一个礁石小岛而沉没的船只数量。这座小岛如此之小,以至于很难被水手看见,因此许多途经的船只会与之相撞。4. “What could be done”, wondered the Abbot, “to protect shipping and the lives of the sailors?” He called for a meeting between ship owners and leading citizens of the town. After some lengthy discussions, it was decided that a large bell be fixed onto the island. The ringing of the bell in the wind would alert the crewmenaboard the vessels of the dangers lying ahead. “可以采取什么样的措施,”修道院院长想知道,“来保护船只的安全航行和水手的生命?”于是,在他的呼吁下,召开了一次由船主和镇子里的重要人物参加的会议。经过长时间的讨论,会议决定在这座礁石小岛上安装一个大铃铛。铃声随风响起,会让途经船只上的船员警觉到前方的危险。

abbey (noun)英 /ˈæbi/ 美 /ˈæbi/ 大修道院,大寺院;修道院中全体修士或修女coastal (adj.)英 /ˈkəʊstl/ 美 /ˈkoʊstl/ 沿海的;海岸的wrecked (verb)英 /rekt/ 美 /rekt/ 破坏;毁灭;(使)船舶失事;(使)遭遇沉船;毁船打劫;遭遇(船舶)失事;拆除(wreck 的过去式及过去分词)Firth (noun)英 /fɜːθ/ 美 /fɜːrθ/ (尤用于苏格兰地名)狭长海湾lengthy (adj.)英 /ˈleŋθi/ 美 /ˈleŋθi/ 漫长的,冗长的;alert (verb)英 /əˈlɜːt/ 美 /əˈlɜːrt/ 使警觉,警告;使意识到crewmen (noun)英 /ˈkruːmən/ 美 /ˈkruːmən/ 乘务员,船员(通常指男性)aboard (adv.)英 /əˈbɔːd/ 美 /əˈbɔːrd/ 在(飞机、火车、船)上;骑在(马)上;(喻)新入伙;(棒球)在垒上vessels (noun)英 /'ves(ə)lz/ 美 /'vɛslz/ 血管(vessel的复数);船舶;容器

5. In three months they had sufficient funds with which to purchase a great bronze bell from a bell foundry in Amsterdam. In a short time, the bell was in place on the island; hymnswere sung, prayers were said and the bell was blessed. 用了不到三个月时间,他们便筹集到了足够的资金,从阿姆斯特丹的铃铛铸造厂购买了一个大铜铃。很快,这个铃铛便在这座小岛上安装就位了。赞美诗唱起,祈祷词念起,铃铛承载起人们的祝福。6. A banquet had been prepared to celebrate the Abbot and the successful placement of the bell. The Abbot gave thanks for God’s guidance. Many disasters would be averted and more importantly, lives would be saved. The little rocky island became known to mariners as ‘The Bell Rock’. 人们筹备起一场盛宴,来庆祝修道院院长提议的落实以及铃铛的成功安置。修道院院长感谢了上帝的指引。许多灾难可以因此避免,更重要的是,人的生命可以得到挽救。这座礁石小岛被水手们称为“贝尔礁”(Bell Rock)。

funds (noun) 美 /fʌndz/ [会计] 资金,现金(fund的复数);基金bronze (adj.)英 /brɒnz/ 美 /brɑːnz/ 青铜色的;青铜制的foundry (noun)英 /ˈfaʊndri/ 美 /ˈfaʊndri/ 铸造,铸造类;[机] 铸造厂hymns (noun)美 /hɪmz/ 赞美诗;圣诗banquet (noun)英 /ˈbæŋkwɪt/ 美 /ˈbæŋkwɪt/ 宴会,盛宴;宴请,款待averted (verb)英 /ə'vɜːtɪd/ 避免(avert的过去分词);转开mariners (noun) 西雅图水手;水手



7. Meanwhile, far away in the warm climate of the Mediterranean, the younger brother was robbing and pillaging ships and towns along the Coast of North Africa. The news of his brother’s work he greeted with scornand disdain. He laughingly claimed that he put the fear of God into more people in a month than the worthyAbbot would in his lifetime! Nevertheless, he was irritated that the humble priest was receiving praise. He planned to do something about it.与此同时,远在温暖的地中海上,弟弟正在劫掠北非沿岸的船只和城镇。对于他哥哥工作方面的消息,他简直嗤之以鼻。他笑着宣称道,他一个月内会让更多的人对上帝产生敬畏之心,比那位可敬的修道院院长一辈子能做到的都多!然而,令他恼火的是,那位卑微的牧师正接受着人们的赞扬。他计划为此做点儿什么。8. Six weeks later, the pirate ship, loaded with booty, dropped its anchor in the firth near the Bell Rock island. The captain rowed to the island with six of his crew. Once there, it took less than ten minutes to unhook the bell and roll it into the sea! It sank silently, disappearing below the waves. The captain gazed at the spot and said almost to himself, “The next visitors to Bell rock island won’t be blessing the Abbot!”. 六个星期后,载满战利品的海盗船停靠在临近贝尔岩的河湾内。船长和他的六名船员一起划船来到这座礁石岛上。登上小岛后,他们只用了不到十分钟便摘下那个铃铛,并将其推入海中!铃铛开始静静地下沉,消失在海浪之下。船长凝视着眼前的这幕场景,几乎自言自语道:“以后途经贝尔岩的人们,不会再祝福那个修道院院长了!”

climate (noun)英 /ˈklaɪmət/ 美 /ˈklaɪmət/ 气候;风气;思潮;风土mediterranean (adj.)英 /ˌmedɪtəˈreɪniən/ 美 /ˌmedɪtəˈreɪniən/地中海的pillaging (verb) 美 /ˈpɪlɪdʒɪŋ/(尤指在战争中)掠夺,掠夺scorn (noun)英 /skɔːn/ 美 /skɔːrn/轻蔑;嘲笑;藐视的对象disdain (noun)英 /dɪsˈdeɪn/ 美 /dɪsˈdeɪn/蔑视worthy (adj.)英 /ˈwɜːði/ 美 /ˈwɜːrði/值得的;有价值的;配得上的,相称的;可尊敬的;应…的humble (adj.)英 /ˈhʌmbl/ 美 /ˈhʌmbl/谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的;不大的booty (noun)英 /ˈbuːti/ 美 /ˈbuːti/战利品;赃物;获得之物;rowed (verb)划船,划桨(row的过去式)crew (noun)英 /kruː/ 美 /kruː/队,组;全体人员,全体船员unhook (verb)英 /ʌnˈhʊk/ 美 /ʌnˈhʊk/解开;从钩上取下blessing (noun)英 /ˈblesɪŋ/ 美 /ˈblesɪŋ/祝福;赐福;祷告



9. The next day, the captain was ready to go back to the African Coast. This time the sea had a heavier swell, as they sailed out of the firth, heading for the North Sea. The wind became stronger and it began to rain. The crew was nervous and mostly silent. Although they were rough and ready buccaneers, they were also superstitious. They were right to be afraid. 第二天,船长准备返回非洲海岸。这次,当他们驶出河湾前往北海时,海面掀起了更大的风浪。风越刮越大,雨水开始落下。船员们非常紧张,几乎全部默不作声。尽管他们都是粗暴成性、经验丰富的海盗,但他们也很迷信。况且,他们的害怕是有道理的。10. As the storm grew in strength, visibility was reduced to nil and control of the vessel became impossible. Suddenly, with a grindingcrunch, the ship came to a shuddering stop and immediately lurched onto its side. They had hit the island! There had been no warning bell; for had it not been rolled into the sea? Water poured over the ship as it began to break up. The crewmen screamed in terror as they fell into the waves. In a short time, there was nothing left of the ship or its crew, save one lone survivor. 随着风暴强度的增加,能见度降至了零,已无法控制船只。突然间,伴随一阵刺耳的咬碎声,他们的船颤抖着停了下来,随即猛地向一侧倾斜。他们撞到了那座小岛!警示的铃声没有响起——铃铛不是已经被推入海中了吗?水倾泻在船上,船开始四分五裂。船员们惊恐地喊叫着跌入海浪中。在很短的时间内,整艘船及其船员全部消失在浪花中,只留下一名孤独的幸存者。


swell (adj.)英 /swel/ 美 /swel/(非正式)极好的,非常愉快的;漂亮的,时髦的;buccaneers (noun)海盗(buccaneer的复数)superstitious (adj.)英 /ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃəs; ˌsjuːpəˈstɪʃəs/ 美 /ˌsuːpərˈstɪʃəs/迷信的;由迷信引起的nil (noun)英 /nɪl/ 美 /nɪl/ 无,零grinding (verb)英 /ˈɡraɪndɪŋ/ 美 /ˈɡraɪndɪŋ/研磨;碾磨;磨削lurched (verb)英 /lɜːtʃ/ 美 /lɜːrtʃ/突然倾斜;(因震惊或惊恐等)心猛地一跳,胃猛地翻腾;蹒跚;突然改变(行为或态度);见死不救;击败save /seɪv/v. (save) 节省;保存;储蓄;解救n. (save) 节省;挽救lone (adj.)英 /ləʊn/ 美 /loʊn/ 单身的;独自的;寂寞的;人迹稀少的


11. He had a strange tale to tell. He said that he saw the captain disappear into the sea and at that very moment he swore that he had heard the ringing of a bell; as though the Devil himself was bidding the captain, “Welcome!” The bell was never replaced and it was not until more modern times that a lighthousewas built on the rock. ‘The Bell Rock Lighthouse’ has protected shipping ever since. 事后,这名幸存者讲述了事发时他的离奇经历——就在他看到船长消失在海里的那一刻,他发誓自己听到了铃声;仿佛魔鬼正亲自邀请船长:“欢迎你的到来!”从此以后,那座小岛上再也没有重新装上铃铛。直到更现代的时候,那个礁石岛上才建起了一座灯塔。从那时起,“贝尔礁灯塔”就一直保护着从这里经过的船只。12. But even today, sailors will tell you that when the sea in the Firth of Tay is rough, there are times that they can hear the ringing of a bell. And when they look into the sky, they see a ghostly sailing ship with one solitary figure pacing the deck! 但直到今天,水手们仍会告诉你,当泰河湾的海面风浪很大时,他们会时常听到铃声响起;此时他们仰望天空,会看到一艘幽灵帆船,船上一个孤独的身影正在甲板上踱来踱去……

bidding (verb) 英 /ˈbɪdɪŋ/ 美 /ˈbɪdɪŋ/投标;出价;命令lighthouse (noun)英 /ˈlaɪthaʊs/ 美 /ˈlaɪthaʊs/灯塔solitary (adj.)英 /ˈsɒlətri/ 美 /ˈsɑːləteri/ 孤独的;独居的pacing (verb)美 /ˈpeɪsɪŋ/ 踱步;为…定步速(pace的ing形式)deck (noun) 美 /dek/甲板;(船或公共汽车的)一层;露天平台;转盘装置
